Monday, May 2, 2022

REsources for May 8, 2022, CHristian Family Sunday

May the Peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!
We gather as a family of faith
We turn and see our siblings, our family of choice, with whom we celebrate God’s presence in our lives.
God has invited us to this place and time
In person and in virtual space we greet each other and open ourselves to God’s words of hope and faith
Come, now is the time for worship...

Nurturing God, God who loves us as a Parent, as we gather our hearts and souls for worship this day,
open our minds and ears and eyes to see and hear and know how you are present in our lives.
As we sing and pray and listen this morning,
awaken in us a sense of hope and promise that life and love will indeed have the victory.
When we leave this time of worship,
lead us into the world to share the promise of hope, to share the news that you are present in our midst.
We pray in the name of the Risen Christ, and we share together the words he once taught his friends...

God of many faces, today we pause to give thanks for our families,
and we celebrate that family can mean so many different things.
We lift up the many different combinations of people we can call family,
parents and children, grandchildren and cousins, friends who are ‘family by choice’.
We also pause to remember the many ways families can be a challenge.
Broken relationships, the grief of loss, distance both physical and emotional,
for all those things that may make family a mixed blessing we pray.

...time of silent prayer...
God who calls us to be part of a wide, expansive, many-faceted family,
we give thanks for the places we feel we are among family,
we give thanks for the love we find there.

Help us reach out and share the love.
We pray in the name of the Risen Christ, who makes us all siblings in faith.