Monday, August 31, 2009

For September 6, 2009 -- 14th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 18

(Note these are based on Readings other than the Lectionary texts for this Sunday)

Lady Wisdom calls out in the streets and markets
We hear her call, encouraging us to listen.
How long will you turn from knowledge?
We hear her ask, and pledge to listen.
The God of Wisdom has drawn us here today
As we worship together let us seek to hear God’s wisdom in our hearts.
Let us pray together…

God, we strive to be people of wisdom,
But we sometimes get confused about what true wisdom is.
In a world where there are so many voices telling us what the best road is.
It is hard to follow Your path instead of the path of “common sense”.
During this time together reawaken in us a sense of what true wisdom is.
And send us back out ready to use that wisdom is all we say and do.
We pray in the name of the Jesus, who taught us the Way of Godly Wisdom, and taught his friends to pray by saying together…

The time of worship is ended, the time of service continues.
We go from this place to be agents of God’s foolish wisdom in a world of wise foolishness.
As agents of God may we always be willing to challenge the ways of the world.
And be ready to offer a different vision.
As you go out to live and to serve remember that God, who gives us the gift of wisdom, is with us always and everywhere.
Thanks be to God! Amen.