Thursday, September 17, 2015

For October 4, 2015 (using Week 3 Year 2 readings from the Narative Lectionary)

We are called to be the church
to celebrate God's presence.
We have responded to the call
and so we gather together in worship
As we gather we turn to our neighbours, our family of faith, and exchange Christ's Peace

God who calls us to be a community of faith,
a community that strives for justice and struggles to understand how you would have us live.
We come to this place,
to worship, to be renewed, to be challenged,
to be sent out,
to live your Way of Love and Hope, to make a difference in the world.
And in so doing to proclaim the Gospel of the crucified and risen Christ

God, grant us the courage,
to send all others across the stream and stay alone in the wild to confront our fears and our demons.
God grant us the courage,
to wrestle and strive and to not let go.
God grant us the courage,
to name our own failings, to grow stronger through our weaknesses.
God grant us the courage,
to wrestle with you, to struggle with your Word, to discern where your mission intersects with our lives.
God grant us the courage,
to laugh, to live, to love. Amen.

Our time of worship draws to a close.
We have gathered at the table of faith, we have listened for God's voice.
Our time of service continues.
We live and work and serve in the world around us.
Go to the world, go into every place.
We go to share God's love and hope. We go to live as people of the Way.
Go with God: Parent, Child, and Spirit , who is with us always.
We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Christ Candle responses for Fall 2015

A pillar of fire in the desert, the words of faith and Scripture, a candle shining in our worship,
all reminders of the God who leads, guides, challenges, and supports us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

For September 13, 2015 -- Garden of God

God of life, in the beginning, you gave us a garden.
Where the tree of life grew. Where we were invited to live in community with you and all creation.
In the end, in the midst of the New Jerusalem, there will be a garden.
Where the tree of life will grow. Where the river of life will flow. Where we are welcomed back into paradise.
In between we search for the garden.
Looking for signs of paradise in a world where paradise sometimes seems far from real.
Gardener God,
In grace lead us to find the gardens in our lives, reveal where paradise lies waiting to be found.
And when that seems impossible,
remind us of another garden,
where your grace and power were revealed in the face of death and disaster,
where resurrection returned paradise to the world.
Gracious God, reveal your grace and power and life to us
throughout our lives. Amen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

For September 6, 2015 -- The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

Come in, Come in and sit down!
We gather with our brothers and sisters in faith.
Come and gather at the banquet table of God.
Where all are invited, where all can eat, where we break bread together.
As we gather at the table, we greet our fellow guests with words and signs of God's Peace.

God of the banquet,
we gather together to sing, to pray, to open ourselves to your presence.
In this time together,
open our hearts to the breadth of your open grace, open our spirits to the width of your welcome.
You invite us to the banquet of life.
We respond, we join in the singing and dancing and feasting.
As we are fed in this time together,
prepare us to share the banquet with our neighbours. Amen.

God of the banquet, you invite us to come and celebrate.
But sometimes life is just so full, we are too busy.
God of the banquet, you invite us to come and celebrate.
But there are other things that seem more important. Maybe next time.
God of the banquet, you ask us to bring others to the banquet.
Who shall we invite?
God of the banquet, you open the table to everyone.
Which surprises us, which confuses us, which sometimes angers us.
God of the banquet, help your grace flow through us as we gather at the banquet.
Help us to be open to all our neighbours, to welcome them in, to celebrate together.
God of grace, through your grace, may the celebrations be loud and long lasting.

We have gathered, we have shared in the Banquet of Life
We accepted the invitation.
Now as our worship concludes we go out into the world.
To share the love of God, to share the joy of the banquet. with all we meet.
Go with God, witness to the love of God, carry the hope of faith with you.
We are not alone. Thanks be to God, the host of the banquet of life.