Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Prayer for Healing (For January 24, 2016 -- to go with Mark 5:1-20)

God of life, God of our broken-ness, God of wholeness,
we come in search of healing.
In a world of idols and demons,
we admit that there are things which take hold of us, which possess our minds, which control our lives.
And so we seek to be set free. Maybe...
We also know that some of the demons that control us keep us normal in the ways of the world.
So while we long to be freed so that we could be who you call us to be,
we also worry if the world is ready for the demons to be sent away.
God of healing and wholeness, God who the demons recognize and obey,
set us free, release from those things that possess us, cast out our demons, that we would be more able and willing to follow the Way.
These thing we pray in the name of the Great Physician, Jesus of Nazareth,
Our healer, our guide, our Saviour, the one we know as Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Prayer For and Assurance of Grace for January 17, 2016

Seed-sower, you spread your word of hope widely.
Trusting that when conditions are right, growth will occur.
Teacher, you share your word of hope in ways that confuse and confound us.
Trusting that we will have ears to hear and hearts to understand.
Light of the World, you shine for all to see.
Challenging us to pass on the light.
But the reality sometimes falls short of the hope.
Our ears are tin and we do not hear, we fail to pass on the light.
You challenge us to spread the seed and trust that you will give the growth.
And we want to be prudent and effective and only do what gets guaranteed results.
God of Grace, open our ears and hearts to understand your confounding wisdom, move us to trust and share.
God of Grace, whose grace moves in us with each heartbeat, help us live as people of grace. Amen.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Call to Worship for the Season after Epiphany

May the Peace of Christ be with you
And also with you
God is here, in this place, moving within and among us.
We come to explore what God is doing.
In the stories and the teachings and the healings of Jesus the Christ, we meet God in a new way.
We gather as disciples and followers of Christ, to worship and to be renewed.
As we gather for worship we greet our neighbours with the Peace of Christ