Whether gathered in a room full of friends or alone in our own homes God is with us.
God calls us to open our hearts and souls to God’s presence.
Gathered in the name of the Risen Christ we pause to worship.
God a week ago we remembered the old story of an empty tomb.
A week ago you shattered the power of death.
But the world doesn’t seem all that different today.
As we share more of the old story, as we pray, as we sing, as we reflect,
move in our hearts, help us see the possibilities of a world where Resurrection is a reality.
And then lead us to live as different people, people who know that Life wins.
Even when we may be doubtful, Life still wins. Amen.
God of Easter, it is easy to doubt.
It is easy to be skeptical.
It is easy to wonder what the truth actually is.
It can be harder to hope for the best.
It can be harder to believe in something we can not see.
It can be harder to accept things that don’t match our expectations or experiences.
And yet you call us to be people of faith and trust.
Give us the freedom to ask our questions,
so that our faith can grow.
Give us the openness of heart and mind that allows for new understandings,
and stretches us to see the world in new ways.
God of surprises and challenges, God made known in the Risen Christ
you meet us in our doubts and in our faith,
and for that we are truly thankful. Amen
God of life and death and life beyond death,
in this Easter season we sing songs of praise and wonder for life that defeats death.
As the seasons turn toward spring, as the snow is replaced with grass and soil,
bringing the promise of new growth and life,
we give thanks for all that makes life full and abundant:
for family and friends who share our lives, our care, our celebration – even if from a distance...
for fresh green shoots pushing their way out of frozen soil...
for deer making their way through our urban jungle...
for food on our tables, and roofs over our heads...
for the ability to stay at home, the resources to keep clean and safe...
for these and many other things we give thanks to you, Gracious God.
At the same time, Source of Life and Love,
we pause to remember those near and far who are struggling today:
those for whom staying at home is not a possibility as they head to their jobs and worry..
those who look for their next meal, those who fret over how to make rent...
those who worry about a loved one’s physical, mental, spiritual or emotional health...
those who worry about their own physical, mental, spiritual or emotional health...
those who feel they are just treading water, fighting to keep above the waves...
God of love, may all those who struggle know that they are not alone.
We pray in the name of the Risen Christ as we share the words he once taught his closest friends...
We have paused our lives for a time of worship.
As we go into the rest our day and the rest of our week, we carry our doubts and our faith,
our questions and our answers, our wariness and our trust,
and we use all of them to try and determine how God would have us live and love.
In all of it, God: Parent, Risen Christ, and Holy Spirit, is with us.
Thanks be to God. Amen