Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Commissioning for Advent 2024

Jesus is coming! The world will be changed!
In this time of preparing and waiting we look for signs of _____ in the world around us.
Jesus is coming! We have Good News to share!
We share the light of ______ with all we meet.
As you go out into this Advent season go knowing that God:
who has created and is creating,
who is revealed in Jesus, the Word-Made-Flesh,
who works in each and every one of us through the Holy Spirit,
is with you each and every day.
Thanks be to God. Amen

Thursday, November 14, 2024

For November 24, 2024 -- Reign of Christ

God you challenge us to put our trust in you, to follow where you lead, to be loyal to you alone
But there are so many other voices out there,
so many saying we should follow them,
so many others saying we have to be loyal to them first.
God, as we try to live as citizens of your Reign,
help us re-focus our loyalty,
help us ask the hard questions about where true authority lies,
give us the courage to follow The Way of Christ.
And when we wander astray, following false promises and idols,
forgive us and lead us back.
...time of silence...
The Sovereign God rules with gentleness, grace and mercy. God offers forgiveness and a new start when we miss the mark. As beloved citizens of God’s Kin-dom we are welcomed, we are forgiven, we are loved.
Thanks be to God. Amen.

We are citizens of many different communities
we live, work, love and move in a variety of circles
Go from here remembering that above all you are a citizen of God’s Kin-dom
and as such we pledge to share the values, promises, and hopes of God’s Reign with all our circles.
As Beloved Children of God, go secure in the knowledge that God:
Parent, Child, Spirit;
King; Guide, and Counsellor;
Servant, Leader, and Fellow Traveller
is with you wherever you travel in God’s Kingdom
Thanks be to God. Amen


Thursday, November 7, 2024

For November 17, 2024 -- Proper 28B

May the Peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you
In a world of continuous change there is one constant
God is with us where ever we go
God who has been, is now, and always will be, our guide and companion invites us to sing and pray and listen.
We come together to celebrate God’s presence.

God of our past, our present, and our future,
the world is changing around us, and that makes us uneasy.
It is so easy to fear the changes, to worry about what is ending.
Help us to see the things that are continuing and the things that are continuing.
In this time of worship:
open our eyes and souls to see where you are at work in the world,
give us courage to stand firm as the winds of change toss the boat of life around,
and send us back out into the world refreshed and emboldened to proclaim your words of hope and promise.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who proclaimed the coming of your Reign and encourages us to pray saying....

We leave this place of worship and go out into the world.
A world tossed around by the winds of change.
As some things end and other things begin, our call remains the same:
we continue to love our neighbours,
we continue to share words of hope and promise,
we continue to live as citizens of God’s Reign.
As God has been with you in the past, as God is with you today, may God be with you tomorrow.
Wherever we go. Thanks be to God.