In the wild places of the world, the voice sounds,
calling people to gather in God’s name.
In the wilderness times of our lives, the voice sounds,
calling us to an awareness of God’s presence.
In times of trial and suffering the voice still sounds,
reminding us that we are not alone.
The Voice has called us together, called us to worship. Let us pray…
Offering Prayer
Life-blessing and Sustaining God, even in the midst of hardship we are surrounded by blessings. Moved by your Spirit, we share of our abundance, praying that the gifts and the givers would be agents of your Love in the world. Amen.
Life-blessing and Sustaining God, even in the midst of hardship we are surrounded by blessings. Moved by your Spirit, we share of our abundance, praying that the gifts and the givers would be agents of your Love in the world. Amen.
In this place we have met the God who will never abandon us.
Now we go out into a world where it can be easy to feel alone.
As we go out, we carry with us the promise that God is with us always.
In the laughter and tears of life, in our triumphs and our struggles, God is there.
Indeed, when we walk through the storms of life we never walk alone. May God the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sustainer be with you on all the paths of life.