Tuesday, February 15, 2011

For February 20, 2011 -- 7th Sunday After Epiphany Year A

We hear God calling us:
Uyai Mose, tinamate mwari, Uyai mose zvino
come all you people, come and praise your maker, come now and worship the Lord.
God calls us together as a people set apart
a people striving to live the law of love,
God calls us to go out as a people committed to justice
a people seeking to resist injustice without trading violence for violence.
We have come together as God's people,
we come to listen for God's voice in our busy world.
In this time of worship
may God embolden us to act lovingly towards our friends and enemies alike.
In this time of worship,
may God awaken in us a desire to take action against the injustice in the world.
After this time of worship,
may we leave this place ready to make a difference in the world.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who taught his friends to pray together...

We are a people of love
we go to share the love of God with all we meet.
We are a people of justice,
we go to name and resist the injustices in our world.
We are a people of hope,
and so even when we are challenged do things that make no sense we trust in God's wisdom.
We are a people of peace,
and so we seek God's Shalom for friends and enemies, next-door and around the world.
We are the people of God, sizohamba naye
we will go with God.

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