Monday, September 30, 2013

FOr October 6, 2013 Proper 22C, Worldwide Communion Sunday

God of the global community of faith,
we gather here in this place, but we also gather with Christians around the globe to sing, to pray, to break bread together.
God of life and hope,
we gather here to embrace life, to be filled with hope, and to be sent back out into the world.
God of the table,
as we break the loaf and share the cup may we feel united with the global community with whom we share the task of spreading your love and hope with the world. Amen

God, you call us to bloom where we are planted,
but there are times when we would rather have been planted somewhere else.
You call us to live in the present and hope for the future,
but, to be honest, there are times we long for things to be like they once were.
You challenge us to sing the songs of faith in a place that has become different and sometimes feels hostile,
and we wonder how we can do that, we wonder if the song will resonate anymore.
God of grace,
free us from our fear, release us from our anxiety, open us up to live fully in the present and with hope for the future.
...time of silent prayer...
In the words of Jeremiah God proclaims: Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat what they the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” God promises to be with us as we sing the songs of faith and live the life of hope.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

As people who have come to be worship together,
we prepare to leave this space of worship
As people who have come to be fed,
we go out to feed the hungers of the world.
As people who are called to sing faith's songs,
we go out to sing of hope, of promise, of the God who is with us always and everywhere.

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