Monday, September 1, 2014

For September 7, 2014 -- the Story of Noah

As the summer draws to a close, as a new year begins,
we gather together to be reminded of the Promise.
As those who have seen some of the storms of life,
we gather to look for the rainbow, sign of the Promise.
As God called Noah so long ago, so God calls us in the present,
to gather as members of community, to celebrate God's Promise, to live as people of the covenant.
Let us worship together as we greet each other with words and signs of God's peace...

God of life, we gather in your presence,
here we bring our questions, our hopes, our fears, our hungers.
God of the table, we respond to your invitation,
to break bread together, to share in the building of community.
God of the storm, we come seeking shelter,
a safe place where we can reflect on the wind and the rain.
God of the Promise, we come as people of hope,
to be reminded of the Promise, to be empowered to live out our side of the Promise. Amen.

Creation was not what you hoped it would be God.
And you decided to start over.
But there was still something worth saving,
so you called out Noah to build an ark, a refuge for creation.
Then, after the waters washed away you made a promise,
setting your bow in the clouds, a sign that never again would the world be washed away, a sign of your love and grace.
Creation is not what you hope it would be God,
we continue to miss the mark, we continue to be less than we could be.
But still you see the possibility, still in grace you challenge us to live out the old covenants,
pulling us forward, reminding us who we are.
And still the bow is in the clouds, light bending through a prism, spreading into a display of colour.
Giving us hope, giving us beauty, promising us grace.
Thank you.

When the storms of life are raging,
we look for the Rainbow.
Go now from this time of worship, to a world full of storms.
We go to a world in need of the Promise.
As you go, may you carry the presence of God to all you meet.
And may we see God all around us, reminding us that we are not alone.
Thanks be to God!
Who has made us a Promise in many colours.

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