Wednesday, December 9, 2015

For January 3, 2016 -- Epiphany Sunday

There is a Light, a beacon, drawing us forward.
We are drawn toward it, like moths to a flame
In its warm glow we sing, we pray, we worship.
Here we are refreshed, here we are nourished.
And as we gather in the glow of the Christ Light we greet each other with words and signs of Christ's peace

God of Christmas,
already the angel song is fading, already we are starting to get back to our routines.
God of Christmas,
but still we want to see the child, to be reminded of the hope he brings.
God of Christmas, in this time of worship,
may we join the visitors from the East, come to honour the one who has been born to be King.
God of Christmas, after our time of worship,
send us back out to share the Good News of the season, even if there are those who would try to extinguish the hope and possibilities it brings.
This we pray in the name of the newborn King, soon to be a refugee. Amen.

God of light, like the Magi we are drawn into your light, into your presence.
Like them we want to bring our best to lay by your side.
God of light, in every age there are those who live in fear, whose lives are threatened simply because they live where and when they live.
Causing them to flee to strange new places, to make home in new communities..
God of light, when the shadows of the world loom on the horizon, when they drive people to our doors
grant us the grace, the strength, the wisdom to react appropriately, to welcome the stranger as a neighbour.
God of light, when those shadows make us afraid, when the fear makes us less than we could be.
grant us the grace, the strength, the wisdom, to choose another path.
..time of silent prayer...
The God revealed in the Christmas Child is gracious and giving. The God revealed in the manger draws us to the light with mercy and forgiveness and hospitality. The God revealed in the Christmas star helps us to shine through the shadows of life.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

We have gathered to honour the one born to be King.
We have been warmed by his light, we have been fed at his table.
We have seen him forced to flee for his life.
We have been reminded of our calling to see Christ in all those who flee for their lives
And now we leave this time of worship,
recommitting ourselves to serve Christ, renewing our pledge to live as people of love.
We go out into the world to live, to love, to serve.
We go out sure that God goes with us, in light and in dark we are not alone. Thanks be to God.

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