God who calls us to be the church
to celebrate your presence
to live with respect in Creation
to love and serve others
to seek justice and resist evil
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope;
we who have been called and selected as leaders in that part of Christ's body which we call Northern Lights Presbytery have gathered here in Spirit River.
Over this weekend we will talk together, eat together, pray together, listen together as we strive to understand how you are calling us to be the church in this time and place.
As we meet, move within and among us.
Open our ears to hear your joyous laughter and your still small voice.
Open our eyes to see the wonderful and surprising possibilities of your Kingdom.
Open our minds that we would know the wisdom of Kingdom living.
Open our hearts to experience your abundant and overflowing love.
Open our souls to see Christ in friend and stranger.
And when our meeting is over, as we head back to our various homes and ministries, may we carry the love we find in this gathering back to those places.
May we leave this place refreshed and enabled to be people of Love, to live the Kingdom life of Love.
We pray as followers of the man from Nazareth, Jesus, our teacher and guide, our rock and redeemer, the one we call Christ and Messiah.