Monday, March 28, 2016

For April 10, 2016, Easter 3 -- Acts 3:1-10

God of Easter,
we gather in this season of celebration.
God of Life,
we praise you for the signs of new life we see bursting forth around us
God of Hope,
we look around for signs of the Kingdom, those things that bring hope to our lives.
God active in our world,
in this time of worship renew us, remind us that we are agents of your love and hope, send us out to carry your promises to the world around us.
We pray in the name of the Risen Christ, who taught his friends to pray by saying together...

God of Grace, when the world looks on us with scorn and distrust,
you look at us with love and compassion.
When we look for help with symptoms and secondary problems,
you challenge us to fix the primary issues.
When life has us feeling defeated and broken you say:
Get up and walk.
God grant us the wisdom to know how you are calling us to respond.
Grant us the grace to see your power flowing through those around us
...time of silent prayer...
The God we meet in the Risen Christ is gracious. In Christ God opens our eyes and hearts and enables us to respond to the needs of those around us. God allows us to accept the help and love offered by those around us.
Thanks be to God. Amen.

Here in this place today,
we have worshipped, we have welcomed.
The God who welcomes us all through the waters of baptism,
sends us out into the world to make a difference.
The God revealed in the Risen Christ,
challenges us to share the Good News of life that conquers death, life that brings healing.
As we serve in the world we know that:
the God who created and recreates us
the Risen Christ who redeems and teaches us
the Holy Spirit who strengthens and sustains us
is with us wherever we go. Hallelujah!

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