Thursday, April 28, 2016

For May 8, 2016 -- Easter 7, Paul teaches on Resurrection

OPENING PRAYER (uses lines from VU446 O God of Life)
O God of life, who wills new life to be through love created,
we gather as a people of life, of resurrection, of life that conquers death.
O God of love, who gives baptism to be the outward symbol of your love,
we gather as a baptized and baptizing community, welcoming all into the family of faith.
O God of power, whose Spirit you have sent to be received here,
in our worship together move among, within, and through us: preparing us to go out and proclaim the promise of resurrection life to the world around us.
We pray in the name of the Risen Christ, who has conquered death, who brings us life, and who invites us to pray together saying...

Where death is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?
God we admit that death scares us.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death
With the voices of the ages we celebrate the promise and reality of Resurrection.
In life, in death, in life beyond death,
we know that You are with us.
God of life, when we meet the fear of death,
remind us of the great mystery and victory of faith: LIFE WINS.
And as people of life, of life beyond death, when the trumpet blast sounds
lead us in the dance of joy and hope and life.
We pray in the name of the Risen Christ, who has conquered death
To Life! Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!

As people of hope,
we return to the world to share our hope.
As people of life,
we go out into the world to spread the promise of life.
As people of Easter,
we share the Good News of resurrection, the victory of life over death.
As you go to live and serve, go knowing that the Risen Christ is with you always, to the end of the age.
And in confidence we go out to share the promise of God: To LIFE!


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