Friday, September 2, 2016

For September 11, 2016 -- Looking at the story of "The Fall"

Creator, Source of life and light and love;
we have gathered for worship.
As we sing and pray and eat and listen,
move in our hearts and souls, remind us who we were created to be.
As we move from this time of worship,
continue to move within us, pushing us to be who we were created to be.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Teacher, Saviour, Guide and Redeemer.
The one who came to open our eyes and remind us who we were created to be. Amen.

God of Creation, of Original Blessing, who calls us to be in relationship;
we know that we have not always been who or what we could be:
we let our own desires take precedence over your wisdom,
we see with eyes shaded by our own biases,
we choose violence and hatred and fear over the path of peace and love.
And yet you continue to seek relationship with us,
even when we are ashamed or confused and seek to hide from your presence.
As people who long for Paradise, we open ourselves to your grace,
trusting in your mercy to rebuild the relationship strained by our pride and wilfulness.
...time of silent prayer...
God is loving and gracious and merciful.
Thanks be to God.
God continues to invite us into relationship, seeking us when we hare lost or trying to hide.
Thanks be to God.
In Christ's life, death and resurrection we find the visible signs of God's grace, we find the path back to relationship,
Thanks be to God! Amen.

We have gathered, we have broken bread, we have shared in the continuing story of faith.
And now we go to share in God's mission in the world.
Go out into the world, knowing that you are beloved creations of a loving Creator
Go out to share the love of Gd with all you meet.
Go out to use the wisdom and knowledge that God has given you to enhance the world around us.
We go to live and serve.
Go knowing that the God who created you, Christ who redeems you, and the Holy Spirit who sustains you is with you each and every moment of every day.
We are not alone. Thanks be to God!

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