Wednesday, December 28, 2016

For January 8, 2017 -- John the Baptist

God of life and love, as we gather for worship this morning,
open our eyes and hearts to see signs of your grace.
God of life and love, we gather as a baptized and baptizing community,
trusting that the waters of faith have changed and cleansed us,
pledging to live as citizens of the Kingdom.
God of life and love, we gather together at the table of faith,
as we eat and drink together, reawaken in us a sense of common purpose.
God of life and love, when we leave this place today,
lead us in the path of Christ, lead us to follow his Way. Amen.

God, in Christ you proclaim that the Kingdom is here among us.
But when we look around it is sometimes hard to see signs this is true.
God, in our baptism you proclaim us to be citizens of the Kingdom.
But if we are honest we know that sometimes we are part of the brood of vipers.
God, in the words of John the Baptizer you call us to prepare.
To prepare ourselves and our lives for the kingdom.
To reset our priorities and live as people of the Way
To be cleansed and changed, to repent and change our path
To open our hearts for the coming of the Promised One.
God of grace, as a people who are not always what we could be,
we seek your grace, we pray that you would work in our hearts and souls.
Changing us from within and without,
growing the Kingdom through and around us.
God of grace, who offers us forgiveness and renewal,
we offer our thanks and praise. We pledge to follow your Way. Amen.

We have gathered, we have prayed, we have eaten.
Now we are sent back out to live and serve.
As we go into the world we pledge:
to live as changed people;
to use God’s priorities as the guide to our life;
to prepare the way for the coming of the Kingdom
God with God: who creates, who redeems, who transforms.

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