Monday, February 19, 2018

For February 25, 2018 -- Raising of LAzarus

God made known in Jesus, the Word-Made-Flesh;
we gather for worship.
Jesus, who is the Resurrection and the Life;
we search for the abundant life of eternity that you offer.
Holy Spirit, who enlivens and makes new;
we open ourselves to your life-giving breath.
Three-in-One, God of life and love, in our time together;
remind us that life is the victor, remind us that we are not alone.
We pray in the name of Jesus who lived and died and lives still as we share the words he shared with his friends...

Gracious, loving God, in Jesus of Nazareth you shared our lives.
You knew the joys and the sorrows, you felt the sting of death.
Gracious, loving God, in the Christ’s resurrection you reveal a new hope;
a promise that in the end life wins.
Gracious, loving God, in the healing of souls Jesus reveals your mercy and forgiveness.
We are unbound and set free, led into the life of eternity.
God of Life, God of Grace, God of Hope, God who calls us by name;
we trust and know your voice, we respond to your call, we rejoice in life renewed.
And so we live as people of hope, citizens of the Kingdom.
Each and every day. Amen.

We have gathered, we have sung, we have prayed.
Now we are heading out to live and serve.
We have heard a story of life that conquers death.
We go to share the Good News that God brings life and hope that defeats death and despair.
As you go from this place be confident that the God of Life is with you wherever you go.
We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

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