Saturday, March 24, 2018

For April 8, 2018 -- Easter 2 -- Jesus Appears to the Disciples

Source of Life, we gather together for worship,
hoping that here we will meet the Risen Christ.
Source of hope, we open ourselves in worship,
trusting that the Holy Spirit will blow through the room, filling us with peace.
God of New Life, in this time of worship,
empower us to go back into the wider world to share the Good News of Resurrection,
to proclaim the promise of forgiveness,
to encourage others with the peace of Christ.
We pray in the name of the Risen Christ, who encourages us to pray saying...

God of life that conquers death, in this Easter season,
we are challenged to see life where we expect to see death. It seems to good to be true.
God we believe, help our unbelief.
God of surprises, we hear wondrous stories and have trouble believing they could be true.
Like Thomas we want to see the evidence for ourselves, so we can judge for ourselves.
God we believe, help our unbelief.
God of wisdom, you give us an intellect and ask us to use it,
asking questions, challenging what we are told, seeking for answers
God we believe, help our unbelief.
Holy God who is Wholly Mystery, you ask us to be open to the mysterious and mystical,
help us embrace the mystery that is part of our lives, help us see that we do not have to understand everything, help us remember that there are ways of knowing that go beyond the scientific and logical.
God we believe, help our unbelief. Amen.

Appearing to his closest friends in an upper room,
the Risen Christ sent them out in the power of the Holy Spirit.
2000 years later we seek to encounter the Risen Christ,
who still sends us out to share the promise of New Life guided by the Holy Spirit.
Go with God who created us, who raised Jesus, who fills us with love and hope.
Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! Life Wins!

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