Monday, November 26, 2018

For December 9, 2018 -- Advent 3 -- The Life of Christmas Present

The God of our Past, our Present, and our Future
invites us to worship as we prepare for Christmas.
We come closer to the birth of Jesus
the excitement is building, our preparations continue
As we prepare ourselves, we sing, we pray, we reflect
opening our eyes and hearts and souls to God’s presence.

Joy! God sometimes Joy is hard.
Sometimes we look at the world around us and find nothing to be joyful about.
If we are honest we know that the world is a troubled place
That is why we know we need you, why we need Jesus to be born in our world again.
God as we sing about Christmas help us remember the Grace that Jesus preached.
The Grace that helps us reform and reshape our lives and our world. Joy to the World, Jesus is coming!

In this season of Joy and Hope we get ready for the coming of the Prince of Peace
We go from this time of worship to prepare our homes and our hearts.
As you continue to prepare for the amazing birth that is a fortnight away be sure and secure in the knowledge that the God who breaks into the world as a Baby is with you everywhere you go.
In trust we will walk with God: Parent, Child, and Spirit. Amen.

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