Monday, December 9, 2019

For December 22, Advent 4, Love

Opening PRAYER
God of love, we can hardly wait!
Soon the Babe will be born, soon it will be Christmas!
As we remember the story, help us remember the core of the story:
that we are loved, that we are to love each other
In this hour together speak to our hearts,
help us know how to be people of love, and then help us do it.
We pray in the name of the Baby whose birth draws nigh, who will later teach his friends to pray saying...

God you don’t ask us to be perfect,
and for that we give thanks.
But God you do ask that we offer of ourselves for the good of others,
living lives of love for those who cross our past.
When we share we get changed, the love leaves a, scar, a mark we carry for ever after.
And sometimes we are afraid of that change, and so we keep to ourselves, trying to avoid the scars
But then we open up, we let others in, we take the risk.
And find that we are blessed in ways we never expected.
God of love, you don’t ask us to be perfect.
You ask us to be loving, you help us to be loving. And there we see your face and grace. Amen.

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