Monday, September 14, 2020

Resources for September 20, 2020 -- Proper 20A, 16th After Pentecost



Guiding God, you lead us into the wilderness, with a promise of new life on the other side.
And to be honest we are not always willing to go.
We mourn for what we leave behind, what we have lost.
We want to go back to the comfortable, the known, the familiar.
Gracious God, in this COVID-tide season,
we carry grief and anxiety, we wish we we could go back to a more comfortable place.
Feed and sustain us in our desert time, we pray.
Hear our cries and share our grief.
Then when the time comes lead us into a future with a mix of familiar and new ways of being
Gracious God, when we chafe against the changes and chances of life,
strengthen us, embolden us, and forgive our doubting that this is the path of promise.
...time of silent prayer...
In Grace God leads us into the wilderness, in Grace God sustains us in the wilderness, with Grace God hears our griefs and complaints and anxieties in the wilderness.. Still God leads us into the future, sharing a promise of life renewed.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

As our worship concludes, we go out into the world to live and love and serve.
We carry with us our hopes for the future, but also our grief for what we have lost.
In the midst of hope and fear and grief and possibilities we meet God,
the one who continues to sustain us, the one who feeds with us in the desert.
And so we can share the promise that there is hope beyond the grief, even if we can’t go back to where we once were.
Thanks be to God who leads and sustains us into a new way of being.

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