Monday, January 18, 2021

For January 24, 2021 -- 3rd Sunday After Epiphany

OPENING PRAYER (followed by the singing of Sidney Carter's Lord of the Dance)
God, you invite us to join in the dance.
Joining with fellow dancers all over the globe, kicking up our heels as you call out the moves.
You pick the tune, you hum the first few bars,
and we jump up from what we are doing, unable to keep still.
In this time of worship, re-invite us to join in the dance, to sign up for a new adventure.
Give us the vision that leads us to leave our nets by the water
give us the hope to sing a new song, or an old song with a new twist,
give us the energy to dance and prance even when the road seems long and hard.

We join with fellow Christians around the globe in the dance that unites us as we say together the prayer that unites us...

The leader of the dance meets us where we live and work,
and calls us to leave behind what we know to try something new.
Will we have the courage to jump up and join in the adventure that awaits us?
We will dance where ever we may be,
we will go and fish with Christ,
we will join in the worldwide ministry of living, giving, and loving.
And our lives will never be the same again.

As we go out to join in the dance, to follow the adventurous path;
we do so trusting that God: who chooses the tune;
who calls out the moves;
who is made known as Parent, Child and Holy Spirit;
is with us along the way.

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