Thursday, February 4, 2021

For February 14, 2021 -- Valentine's Day

May the Peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!
God calls us together in this virtual space.
We gather together in Spirit to worship the God who loves us and commands us to love each other.
God is at work in the world, transforming it through love
God is at work in us transforming us through love.
Let us worship together.

God of love, you meet us in every moment of our lives.
Meet us again, we pray, in this time of worship.
God of of love, you love us and call us to love each other, to embrace the transforming power that is love.
As we worship, remind us that we are loved, embolden us to love our neighbours, open our hearts to be transformed
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Love incarnate, who taught us about your love and who encourages us to pray saying...

The world around us is crying out for love.
As followers of Christ we carry love to that world, loving it as we have been loved.
The world around us is waiting to be transformed
Transformed by the power of love, a power that moves in the heart and soul to renew and remake.
As you go through your week, may you know God’s transforming power at work in you.
And may you know that God: the Lover, the Beloved, the Love is with you always.
Thanks be to God! Amen.



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