Monday, April 26, 2021

For May 2, 2021 -- Easter 5B, Vine and Branches


Source of life, you offer us roots that will feed and sustain us.
Sometimes we cling to those roots.
Sometimes we insist on relying on our own roots, our own strength, our own sources of sustenance.

In Jesus, the True Vine you invite us to remain connected to You and to each other,
spreading as branches of the tree of Love, spreading Love and hope into the corners and crevices of life.
Sometimes we feel disconnected, cut off from the vine, isolated from those things that sustain us.
Sometimes we decide we don’t need the vine, and then wonder why our leaves droop and we start to wither.

God of life in abundance, God who calls us to be fruitful branches, when we cut ourselves away from the vine, when we insist on doing things on our own, when we resist your attempts to prune and guide us for better growth:
forgive our headstrong natures, show us how to reconnect, renew our lives to help us bloom.
...time of silent prayer...
Our faith story begins and ends in a garden. The God who creates and re-creates us is a gardener, watering and weeding and pruning to give growth. This same God calls us to be connected and rooted in the soil of love so that we can grow and be fruitful. In Christ God forgives us and helps our branches renew our connection to the vine. God helps us grow to full flower, rooted in God’s love. This is Good News!
Thanks be to God! Hallelujah!

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