Monday, November 22, 2021

Liturgy for Advent 2021

As the days get shorter and the nights get longer
We light candles, we turn on coloured lights,
we remind ourselves that the Light of the World is about to be born

In this season of preparation
we pause from the shopping and baking, we step away from the busy-ness
and we gather our hearts for worship
seeking to be reminded of the hope to be found in the midst of the season.
God has called us to this time of worship and so we pray...
(prayer appropriate for that week follows)

The candle of ________ shines brightly in our worship space
The promise of ______ shines brightly in our hearts.
Go from this time of worship to carry _____ to all you meet
We go out with hearts made lighter by the promise of a baby to be born
with dreams of a world that will be changed
with souls singing praises for the God who is active around, within, among us.
Go with God, who promises new life and new hope, who is made known as Parent, as Child, as Holy Spirit
Alleluia! Amen!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Advent Candles 2021 (working with Year W of the Women's Lectionary)

November 28 – Advent 1 – Hope
1: Hagar was a slave girl, a person of no status and God heard her cries.
2: Mary was a poor peasant girl and God asked her to do something amazing.
1: Both were told they would have a baby.
2: Neither of them were promised an easy life.
1: Both trusted that the Living God was with them and that gave them hope.
2: Babies bring work, and worry, and they also bring hope. So Congratulations to Hagar and Mary. They will have babies!

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Hope shining in our lives.

 December 5 – Advent 2 – Peace
2: With this spark we remember the presence of Hope in our lives (relight 1st candle)
1: Sometimes things seem impossible.
2: Like a baby for old Abraham and Sarah, or maybe that we will have peace on earth
1: But then God surprises us and makes it happen.
2: It sounds ridiculous, it makes us laugh to think about
1: But God, She who Speaks Life, is active around us.
2: We will trust Her words, we will allow ourselves to be surprised by a baby, and by peace.

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Peace shining in our lives.

December 12 – Advent 3 – Joy
2: With this spark we remember the presence of Hope and Peace in our lives (relight 1st and 2nd candle)
1: While we wait for a baby we have so many questions
2: Who will he be? What will she do? How will they make a difference?
1: Samson’s mother was given a promise, Mary was given a song.
2: The babies they would have would free their people, they would change the world
1: Freedom! Deliverance! Those promises make the world better. They bring Joy!
2: The Holy One of Old is at work here. Joy to the world!

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Joy shining in our lives.

December 19 – Advent 4 – Love
2: With this spark we remember the presence of Hope, Peace and Joy in our lives (relight 3 candles)
1: The Creator of All loves the world
2: She will never leave us alone.
1: The Gracious One is changing the world
2: One day at a time, one person at a time.
1: A baby is going to be born, a baby who will turn the world upside down
2: God is with us. God loves us. We wait for the baby

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Love shining in our lives.

Monday, November 1, 2021

For November 7, 2021 -- Proper 27B

Gathered in person, gathered on-line, connected by technology, by community, by love
we open our hearts, our minds, our souls, our very selves to God’s presence.
Pausing from the busy-ness of life, we begin our time of worship.
As we sing and pray and listen, as we break bread together,
May the Peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!

Ever-present God, the One who gives us life,
you have called us together today.
In this time of song, of prayer, of a shared meal,
speak to our hearts, touch our minds, refresh our souls.
In a world where we often wonder what we have to give,
open our eyes to see what we have to share,
open our arms to embrace our neighbours near and far,
open our hearts to let love overflow into the world.

We pray in Jesus’ name.

God, we hear you calling us to assist in the mending of the world.
And we really want to. But sometimes we are not sure what we can do to help.
You call us to share the abundant gifts you have placed in our lives.
And we are not sure that our mite is big enough to make a difference.
You ask, but do not demand, that we find a way to participate in the Kingdom of hope, peace, joy, and love, the Reign of Shalom.
Help us respond to your invitation, help us to feel your grace at work in our lives, help us to pass that grace and love on to the world around us.
God is Gracious and invitational. God invites us to offer what we have, big or small, to the service of God’s Reign. Whether the gift is ostentatiously large or two small copper coins, the power is in the giving, in the sharing of love.
May we be empowered to respond to God’s grace-filled invitation. Amen.

We have sung, we have prayed, we have broken bread together.
Now we continue to live and serve as followers of Christ.
In a world where the needs are so many, we may wonder what we have to give.
We pledge to share what we can, big gifts or two small copper coins.
As you go to share the love of God, trust that you are never alone.
May God be with you as you live, as you love, as you serve, and as you share.