Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Advent Candles 2021 (working with Year W of the Women's Lectionary)

November 28 – Advent 1 – Hope
1: Hagar was a slave girl, a person of no status and God heard her cries.
2: Mary was a poor peasant girl and God asked her to do something amazing.
1: Both were told they would have a baby.
2: Neither of them were promised an easy life.
1: Both trusted that the Living God was with them and that gave them hope.
2: Babies bring work, and worry, and they also bring hope. So Congratulations to Hagar and Mary. They will have babies!

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Hope shining in our lives.

 December 5 – Advent 2 – Peace
2: With this spark we remember the presence of Hope in our lives (relight 1st candle)
1: Sometimes things seem impossible.
2: Like a baby for old Abraham and Sarah, or maybe that we will have peace on earth
1: But then God surprises us and makes it happen.
2: It sounds ridiculous, it makes us laugh to think about
1: But God, She who Speaks Life, is active around us.
2: We will trust Her words, we will allow ourselves to be surprised by a baby, and by peace.

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Peace shining in our lives.

December 12 – Advent 3 – Joy
2: With this spark we remember the presence of Hope and Peace in our lives (relight 1st and 2nd candle)
1: While we wait for a baby we have so many questions
2: Who will he be? What will she do? How will they make a difference?
1: Samson’s mother was given a promise, Mary was given a song.
2: The babies they would have would free their people, they would change the world
1: Freedom! Deliverance! Those promises make the world better. They bring Joy!
2: The Holy One of Old is at work here. Joy to the world!

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Joy shining in our lives.

December 19 – Advent 4 – Love
2: With this spark we remember the presence of Hope, Peace and Joy in our lives (relight 3 candles)
1: The Creator of All loves the world
2: She will never leave us alone.
1: The Gracious One is changing the world
2: One day at a time, one person at a time.
1: A baby is going to be born, a baby who will turn the world upside down
2: God is with us. God loves us. We wait for the baby

1: We light a Candle to keep the spark of Love shining in our lives.