When the alarm went off this morning you had a choice.
Roll over and go back to sleep or get up and get ready.
And you chose to come here.
Indeed we did. We chose to gather together to worship.
Who has gathered us here today? Paul, your family, your teachers from years past?
No. God has gathered us here. God has called us to be God's people.
And so, Gracious God, we offer words of thanks.
Thanks for this place and this people, thanks for all those who have prepared the way, thanks for those who feed and water, thanks to you for the growth that ensues.
During this time of singing and praying and listening,
may we be fed and watered. May we continue to grow in Your way. Amen.
God, daily you set before us a choice.
On one side is the path that leads to abundant life and love for all, on the other the path that leads to abundance for some with the price paid by others.
AS we deal with the choices of life,
we are tempted by the easy road, tempted to trade the long-term blessing for a quick reward.
And so God forgive us,
forgive us where we have chosen rashly or badly, forgive our quarelling and jealousy and lead us in the path of blessing and growth.
...time of silent prayer...
It is one of the mysteries of faith that whether we feel worthy or not we are forgiven. When we realize that we chose unwisely we are given a chance to choose again. Through Grace God forgives all of God's beloved children. We are a forgiven people!
Thanks be to God! Amen
We have gathered together for worship,
we have listened for God's voice, we have been fed, we have been refreshed.
And now it is time to go out from this place.
As we leave these doors we enter the mission field of life.
In that mission field may we all be ones who seed and water so that God can provide growth
May we share the good news that God offers us blessing and life and those in abundance.
God in the love and care of God. Amen
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