Monday, January 3, 2011

For January 9, 2011 -- First Sunday After Epiphany, Baptism of Jesus Sunday

In the wilderness of life we hear it
A voice crying out, calling us to a new way.
Intrigued, wondering, we come to hear more.
Seeking to hear Good News, seeking to know more about living in God's Way
And so here we are,
here we are, ready and open to the words the Voice has for us today
God, whose Voice gathers us together,
in this time of singing and praying and listening,
open us to hear words that are both easy and hard,
remind us that we are Beloved children,
and send us out to live and serve. We pray in the name and memory of Jesus, who taught his friends to pray saying...

Gracious God, over and over you call us to repentance.
You challenge us to examine our lives openly and honestly. You challenge us to name where we have strayed from the path of wisdom and to acknowledge where we have fallen short of what we could be.
Such a thing is hard to do. Such honesty scares us.
But still you call through the wildernesses of the world, calling us to turn to your Way.
For all the times we stray from the path, for all the times we choose unwisely,
forgive us, we pray.
...time of silence...
God is gracious, God is merciful, God is loving. And God stands with open arms when we turn back to be followers of The Way. We are a forgiven people!
Thanks be to God! Amen.

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