Gather At Table
The God who leads us to green pastures and still waters
brought us here together
God has prepared this table in our midst
our cup overflows with God's abundance.
God has set this table, it is God's
so we welcome all to come and eat and drink from it.
Give Thanks
The Lord is our shepherd,
guide, our comforter, our protector.
And so we give thanks
green pastures, for overflowing cups, for ongoing presence
it is
good to give thanks
God of Creation, God of Life, God of Love,
we gather at this table we remember many gifts:
the world around us, bursting with the springtime promise of new life;
the world around us, bursting with the springtime promise of new life;
and friends with whom we share our lives;
and drink to sustain our bodies;
to sustain our souls;
abundance overflowing in our lives.
God made known in words, and in the Word.
remember the many ways You have been revealed in the world
In the glory of creation but also in through the witness of our
forebears in the faith.
like Abraham and Sarah – wanderers seeking a new land
like Moses and Miriam – leading their people out of freedom and
sharing a vision for how they could live.
like Paul and Lydia – sharing a new vision, a new Way
We remember that You have always had a hope, a vision for how we
would live together in peace and justice.
yet we remember that we have often lost sight of the vision, have
left peace and justice in the dust.
And yet, like a shepherd searching for a lost lamb, you have not
given up on Your children
prophets to call us back to the hope, reminding us how we are meant
to live, challenging us to change our ways.
Remember the Story
After many different messengers had come and gone, we remember, God
of Life, that you chose a new path.
so you came to walk among us as one who was fully human, just like
In the man Jesus of Nazareth, son of Mary, we met You anew
him we see Your passion, in him we hear and know Your voice.
Remembering the life of Jesus, we consider what he taught.
welcomed all into his presence, offering words of love and
forgiveness where others offered judgement.
He ate with those others called outcasts.
spoke of a new way of living, of a world that would be changed, of a
Kingdom of love and peace and justice.
He called us to the table of life, where we are fed in abundance.
For being true to his understanding of You, Jesus was arrested,
tried, and executed.
to death on a cross.
He knew the darkness of the valley of shadow, he felt abandoned. And
yet You were there.
then, even as his friends walked in the valley of darkness and
shadow, something amazing happened.
Where they looked for signs of death they found the promise of life.
An empty tomb, a resurrected Christ, a changed world.
so in this Easter season we proclaim the joy of New Life.
Here at this table we remember the night before Jesus' arrest.
gathered with his friends for the central meal of faith.
During that meal he took bread, blessed, broke it, and passed it to
them saying:
is my body, broken by and for the world.
it, eat it, and remember me.
Then later he took the cup of wine. Blessed it and passed it among
them saying:
is the cup of the New Covenant, sealed in my blood. Whenever you
drink this remember me.
So, God of the table, we continue to eat and drink and remember. We
share in this foretaste of the Banquet that is to come.
Invoke the Spirit
Guiding, comforting, protecting God;
your Spirit upon and among us here and now.
the presence of the Spirit may we hear the voice of the Good
Shepherd, calling us out to new pastures, leading us to fresh waters,
comforting and protecting us with rod and staff and love.
Spirit of life and love, fall upon us all, we pray these things in
the name of the Good Shepherd, the Risen Christ, who taught his
friends to pray together saying:
Father, who art in heaven...
Share the Meal
The Bread we break is the Bread of Life.
The Cup we Share is the Cup of Love
Here at this table we share the abundance of God's gifts.
be to God
Close in Prayer
our shepherd,
have gathered at the table You have prepared.
have eaten, we have drunk, we have tasted your overflowing abundance.
this meal embolden, enrich, and nurture us as we go out to live as
people of The Way.
may goodness and mercy flow through us all the days of our lives. May
we live in your presence forever. Amen.
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