Monday, May 26, 2014

For June 1, 2015 -- Ascension Sunday

CALL TO WORSHIP (Uses the Shona words of#2 in More Voices)
Uyai mose tinamate Mwari
We hear the call of God, we come together to share our praises
Uyai mose tinamate Mwari
We come to be challenged, we come to be refreshed, we come to be sent out.
Uyai mose tinamate Mwari
We come to pray, to sing to listen, we come to worship
Uyai mose zvino

God of Easter, of New Life, of Resurrection,
as this Easter Season draws near its close we gather in Your presence
As we gather in this space, as we gather at this table,
we open ourselves to the wonder of Your presence, we open our hearts to be touched, maybe even changed.
As we tell an old story the defies our understanding of the cosmos,
remind us that sometime in mystery we find the deepest truths.
As we are drawn to look to the heavens for Your presence,
help us remember to also look to the immediate world for Your presence, and for the work you would have us do in life.
These things we pray in the name of the Risen Christ, whose name we bear, who taught his friends to pray saying...

God of grace, God of glory, God of hope
we live by and in Your grace;
we constantly seek to glimpse Your glory
we continue the struggle because we have been infected with Your hope.
God made known in Jesus of Nazareth,
we work toward living as he lived, loving as he loved.
God who is transcendent, beyond our wildest dream,
God who is immanent, close at hand,
we admit that sometimes we get lost in the search for glory,
we stand waiting and watching, not sure what to do,
and so we hear again Your voice asking “what are you doing here?”
challenging us to live, to love, to change the world by sharing Your hope and vision.
God of the Risen Christ, Ascended to the heavens and also present in our hearts,
We thank you for Your grace, for Your hope, for Your love. Amen.

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