Tuesday, January 23, 2018

For January 28, 2018 -- God Loves the World

Loving God, as we gather for worship,
move within, around, and among us.
Loving God, caring deeply for the world,
remind us that we are loved, move us to share that love with our neighbours.
Loving God, yearning to redeem the world,
open our ears and souls to hear you calling us into relationship, open our eyes and hearts to see the light of hope and promise.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who encourages us to pray saying...

God sometimes we look around the world and wonder why bother. Then we read:
For God so loved the world...
And we are comforted that we are loved but there are others who we think need some condemnation
For God so loves the world....
Sometimes we wonder if another cleansing flood might be a good thing. And then we remember,
For God so loved the world...
That you became one of us, clothed in flesh, to show us a Way to live.
For God So loved the world...
In love and grace you choose to save and redeem, not condemn and punish.
For God still loves the world.
God of Love and Grace, as we live in this world,
May we never forget that we, and everyone we meet, are held in a love that will never let us go.
Lead us in the Way of wisdom, call us back when we stray, love us into what we could become.
We pray in the name of Jesus, Love Incarnate, Word-Made-Flesh. Amen

As Worship concludes we go out into the world that God loves
A world that may not be perfect but is beloved.
As we move through God’s beloved world we share the Good News
we remind each other and all we meet that God loves the world, and all those who live in it.
God with God who is Love; Jesus, Love Incarnate; and Spirit, Love’s Creative Breath
Always and everywhere. Amen.

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