Monday, January 8, 2018

REsources for January 14, 2018 -- The Wedding at Cana

God of the party,
we gather to worship,
to watch for the signs that point to your presence,
to join in the party of faith.
God of celebration, in this time together,
open our eyes and hearts to recognize the abundance of your grace.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Word-Made-Flesh, who encourages us to pray saying...

God of abundance,
at times we look around and say that we have run out of something crucial.
But then you show us that there is so much more.
God of the party,
at times we want to limit who is at the party in case the supplies run out,
And then you throw open the doors because there is plenty for everybody.
God of grace,
open our souls to drink in the richness of your new wine
fill us with the knowledge that through grace we are welcomed to the party of faith.
challenge us to see the wonderful abundance that is around us.
...time of silent prayer...
The grace and mercy of God overflow all our containers. The party of faith is one where all may eat and drink without cost. Let us sing and dance with joy and praise!

Our time of worship draws to a close.
The party of faith continues.
We move from this place to the world where we live and serve
carrying with us the good news of God’s abundant grace
As we go out to continue to share the Love of God,
we go knowing that God: Parent, Child and Spirit, is with us wherever we go.
Thanks be to God!

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