Monday, August 30, 2021

Opening Prayer & Prayer of Confession for September 5, 2021 - PRoper 18B


Hi God! Today we gather in person and in virtual space.
Here we will sing, we will pray, we will open ourselves to your life-giving Spirit.
We gather to listen for the Word of life, we gather at the table of faith.
Here we are reminded that all are welcome to be fed, here we learn of Your overwhelming love and grace.
And yet, God who feeds our bodies and renews our spirits, we know that we are not always as open as we could be.
At times we show partiality to those who are like us, or spurn those who are different,
at times we have our own clear sense of what makes people acceptable
at times we look after our own wants before attending to the needs of others.

For all those times we miss out a chance to share Your border-less love, forgive us.
For all the times we limit our definition of neighbour, forgive us.
...time of silent prayer...
Here is Good News! The God who challenges us to love all our neighbours models that love with us. In love and grace God offers us forgiveness and second, third, 100th, chances. WE are forgiven, we are loved, we are lifted up to try again.
Thanks be to God! Amen

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