Monday, September 13, 2021

PRAYER FOR AND ASSURANCE OF GRACE for September 19, 2021(reading from Proper 19B)

God you wash the scales from our eyes and ask us what we can see.
Some things we see clearly, some things remain fuzzy.
You put Jesus in front of us and you ask what we can see.
We see hope, we see love, we see what we want to see.
God help us to see the world around us clearly.
Open our eyes that we would see those glimpses of truth that pop up in daily life.
God help us to see Jesus more clearly.
The hope and the promise and the call to service and sacrificial love.
God for those times we prefer to see things dimly, for the time we refuse to see things clearly.
Forgive us, keep washing away the scales, keep prying our eyes open.
God of grace, in grace help us see clearly, help us see you active in Jesus Christ, help us see that there is always another chance for full restoration and healing.

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