Monday, September 13, 2021


Here in this place of worship we gather in the name of God the Creator, the Redeemer and Sustainer.
Here we dedicate this Audio Visual equipment to the service of God.
Let us pray:
Source of Life, you call us to be the church.
A community of faith where all are welcome to celebrate your presence, a community which gathers together to grow
stronger, to love each other.
Source of hope, you call us to be the church.
A community of different abilities and needs. A community that strives to serve each other as best we can.
God present in this place, and in our homes, and in the bits and bytes of our digital world.
You have gifted humanity with technology that helps us connect, that helps us care, that helps us be the church.
We give thanks for the gifts of many who have made this part of your Body what it is. We give thanks for the vision of hope that keeps this community of faith moving into an uncertain future.
May this equipment which both enhances our experience in this building and allows us to expand our gathering out into the world help us be the church. May we have the wisdom and the courage to use all the tools you have given us in ways both traditional and innovative so that we can share your promise of hope, of love, of a world renewed.
In Christ’s name w
e dedicate this, and all the tools of our worship life, to your service, God who brings us together.

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