Monday, December 12, 2011

For December 18, 2011 -- 4th Sunday of Advent, Pageant Sunday

Come, take a break from the busy-ness of Christmas preparations,
we have come to hear the old story, to sing the old songs, to remember the promise of the season.
In a few days the calmness of the night will be rent by the cries of a newborn, the songs of angels, and the praises of shepherds.
Here this morning we come to see the story through meeker eyes.
God, in this time of prayer and song and remembering,
allow us to see the gifts that are brought to the manger,
help us see again the wonder of Christmas through the eyes of the young,
move us to rush with joy to see the child of whom angels and animals sing.
Then, when we return to the busy-ness of the season,
help us carry the joy, the wonder, the hope of the story in our hearts and souls.
This we pray in the name of the child whose birth we await, and who would later teach his friends to pray saying...

Children run Joyfully! Jesus is born!
Joy to the World! The Lord is Come!
We have gathered with the stable beasts to witness a remarkable event.
We have welcomed the child into our midst.
Now go, tell it on the mountain, the street corner, the dinner table
Unto us a child is born! A saviour who is Christ the Lord!
As we join the angel song we trust that God sings with us,
Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward all! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be Not Afraid Advent Candles (redux)

THis Year I am slightly reworking, but mainly reusing, this liturgy from 2008.  Here is the Redux version:

Advent 1 – November 27, 2011 – Be Not Afraid a new world is coming
(one person reading paper, tosses it down in disgust)
Reader 1: What's the matter?
Reader 2: Oh I just find the news so depressing these days. It seems that there is nothing but bad news out there.
Reader 1: I know what you mean. Between the Occupy protests, and the crackdown in Syria and people relying on food banks it sounds really bad doesn't it.
Reader 2: You said it. Sometimes I wonder if it is really worth trying to improve things any more.
Reader 1: Oh it is always worth trying to make the world better. And things will get better. I am sure of it.
Reader 2: How can you be so sure?
Reader 1: I guess I just have faith. Remember that the Bible keeps telling us that there is a new time coming, a new world? Well I just believe that is true and that the new world will be better.
Reader 2: You really think so? I am not sure. I wish I could be as sure as you are but I am afraid for us right now.
Reader 1: Don't be afraid. God is with us even when the world seems to be falling apart. And all will be well some day.
Reader 2: I hope so. As we light a candle as a sign for our hope in that new world let's sing #90 in More Voices “Don't Be Afraid”. In fact, let's sing it twice.
(they light 1 candle and then return to their seats while the song is sung)

Advent 2 – December 4, 2011 – Be Not Afraid Prophetic Peace be with you
Reader 1: May the peace of Christ be with you.
Reader 2: And also with you. But what do you mean?
Reader 1: Pardon? I don't know what I mean. I was just following the minister's instructions to pass the peace.
Reader 2: But what does “the peace of Christ” mean?
Reader 1: Well, uh, uh, I guess it means everybody getting along and being nice to each other and...well(trails off) Why are you asking?
Reader 2: Well I was reading about the prophets the other day, and they don't always sound peaceful. Sometimes they sound really angry. Sometimes they talk about people getting punished. John the Baptist talks about axes and fires attacking people...
Reader 1: Really, well is that all?
Reader 2: No, they talk about these things happening to bring peace to the world, to make the world a better place.
Reader 1: Maybe that is what we mean by the peace of Christ. That time after the struggle and change.
Reader 2: Maybe. Anyway, it's time to get on with the rest of the service. Why don't we light some candles for peace while we sing #90 in More Voices “Don't Be Afraid” a couple of times.
(they light 2 candles and then sit down while the song is sung)

Advent 3 – December 11, 2011 – Be Not Afraid Justice shall be done
Reader 1: You know, sometimes I think that life really isn't fair.
Reader 2: Why do you say that?
Reader 1: Well the news keeps telling us that the rich get richer while the poor fall farther behind. It sometimes seems that nobody really works for the people who have the least. It just isn't fair.
Reader 2: Well you know, nobody ever promise life should be fair. But you are right. It just doesn't seem right that so many people have so little to live on.
Reader 1: No it doesn't. Where is the justice in all of it? Aren't things like food and shelter basic to life? Why don't we find a way for everyone to get them? When the revolution comes...
Reader 2: (interrupting) Ok ok, down off the soapbox. Take a breath. I agree with you. Well maybe not the revolution part, but I do agree with you. And you know what?
Reader 1: What?
Reader 2: God agrees with you too. God wants us to live in a time of justice when everybody has what they need to live.
Reader 1: Really?
Reader 2: Yep. The Bible talks about it all the time. It is a big part of what people of faith pray and work for. And I really believe it will happen some day.
Reader 1: I hope it happens soon. I am afraid of what might happen if things don't change.
Reader 2: Oh try not to be afraid. Fear gets in the way a lot. While we light candles to remind us of God's light and justice why don't we sing #90 in More Voices “Don't Be Afraid”. We'll sing it twice.
(they light 3 candles and then sit down while the song is sung)

Advent 4 – December 18, 2011 – Be Not Afraid sing for joy
Reader 1: (sings 1st verse of Joy to the World)
Reader 2: How can you sound so happy?
Reader 1: What do you mean?
Reader 2: Well with everything that is happening around us. With all the bustle of trying to get ready for Christmas. How can you be so happy and relaxed?
Reader 1: It's Christmas! How can anyone be anything but happy? All I need to do is look at the excitement of the kids and the bright lights and listen to the cheery music. Then it is easy to be happy.
Reader 2: But aren't you worried?
Reader 1: Sometimes I am. None of knows for sure what next year will bring.
Reader 2: But you're happy anyway?
Reader 1: Yep. I made a choice to not let the worry take over. God is coming to live among us as a baby. That's more than enough reason to sing!
Reader 2: You made a choice?
Reader 1: That's right. I chose joy and hope over fear and worry. It's Christmas! Don't be afraid, sing instead. In fact let's light candles while we sing #90 in More Voices “Don't Be Afraid”. We will sing it twice.
(they light all 4 of the candles in the wreath and then sit down while the song is sung)

Christmas Eve – December 24, 2011 – Be Not Afraid the Baby means Change
Reader 1: Christmas Eve is here at last. Soon we will hear about angels and shepherds.
Reader 2: And the angels will remind all of us not to be afraid.
Reader 1: The candles on our wreath remind us not to be afraid to. One reminds us to not be afraid of the bad news around us because a better world is coming (lights a candle)
Reader 2: And this one reminds us to not be afraid of the tough choices and changes that need to come before we have peace in the world. (lights second candle)
Reader 1: This pink candle reminds us that even when the world is going crazy we can choose to be less afraid, we can choose to sing for joy (lights candle)
Reader 2: And this last candle reminds us that when we work past the fear we can see God's hope for justice in the world. (lights last candle)
Reader 1: Now there is only one candle left. The one in the middle.
Reader 2: That's right. What does it remind us of?
Reader 1: Well Christmas is about a baby right? And a baby means change right? Well some people think that change is very scary.
Reader 2: So let's light this candle to remind us of the Baby, and of the changes that might happen, and to not be afraid of those changes (lights centre candle)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

For November 20, 2011 -- Reign of Christ Sunday

We have gathered together. We have prayed. We have sung. We have listened
And now it is time for us to return to the mission field.
Go out into the world to feed those who hunger in body and spirit, to provide company to those who are alone, to comfort those who are afflicted.
As we go, may we see the face of Christ in all we meet.
And may they see the face of Christ in you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For November 13, 2011 Proper 28A

From our homes and workplaces, from our school and playspaces,
we have been called. Called to gather for worship and refreshment.
God of Grace, in this time of music and prayer and reflection,
open our hearts, minds and souls to feel your Spirit blowing through our lives.
As we sing and pray and listen,
may we hear you calling us to a new way of living.
And when our time together concludes,
send us back out ready to take the risks that come with using all the gifts we have been given to their full potential. Amen.

Challenging God, we go out now to make a difference in the world
We will take risks with what we have been given
We will explore what talents we have to share
We will us what we have to the best of our ability
We will be accountable for our choices.
We WILL make a difference in the world

Go with God, who will help you to do all these things.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

For October 23, 2011 -- 19th After Pentecost, Proper 25A

We have heard the story, we have been reminded of the Rule above all Rules.
And now we go back into the world, the mission field, to live out the Rule of Love.
We have shared Love's feast, been fed in body and soul.
And so we are refreshed, ready to share the Love we have met with the world around us.
What words guide our going out this day?
Love God. Love Neighbour. Love Self.
May these words echo in our faces, in our words, in our actions.
May it be so. Amen.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Past, Present and Future -- a candle-lighting liturgy

(response based on Light One Candle by Peter Yarrow)
Whenever you hear:
Don't let the light go out
Please respond:
As it has shone for so many years, may it shine through our love and our tears

We remember the founders and builders.
People who had a dream for a church in this place.
People who helped it to grow.
People who created space for worship, for study, for faith to be nurtured.
We remember those who lit the light of faith.
And as we light their candle we pledge:
Don't let the light go out
As it has shone for so many years, may it shine through our love and our tears

We remember the outreach.
We remember how Jesus called us to be like lights set high on a lamp-stand for all to see.
We remember how Jesus called us to serve the least of his brothers and sisters.
And so we remember all the ways the people of this place have lived those out.
Providing a home for community groups, pushing for needed resources in the wider community like a place for people to sleep or a friendship centre.
Supporting the community in which we live work and have our ministry to the best of our ability
And we light a candle, setting it high so all can see and saying:
Don't let the light go out
As it has shone for so many years, may it shine through our love and our tears

We remember the programmers.
CGIT, Explorers, Messengers, Scouts.
Sunday School, Junior and Senior Choirs, Handbells,
Bible Studies, Faith Discussions, Presentations.
Places people have grown their understanding of faith and the world, places people have found a way to express their faith.
As these experiences have helped the light shine brighter, we light a candle and promise:
Don't let the light go out
As it has shone for so many years, may it shine through our love and our tears

We think of the present.
Those of us who are here now.
We give thanks for the gifts shared by those who have prepared the way for us.
We pledge ourselves to make good use of what they have passed down.
We light a candle and commit ourselves to it saying:
Don't let the light go out
As it has shone for so many years, may it shine through our love and our tears

And now we come to our central candle, our light of hope for the future.
This candle stands for those who will gather in this place in the years to come.
We light it as our promise that we will pass on the light of God.
We light it to show our trust in the promise that life continues, that faith continues, the there is indeed a future to await with joy and expectation.
As we light this candle we ask:
Don't let the light go out
As it has shone for so many years, may it shine through our love and our tears

Monday, September 12, 2011

For September 18, 2011 -- Proper 20A, 14th After Pentecost

Lift your voices, sing praise to the Holy One!
Praises for all that God has done.
Lift your hearts in thanksgiving!
Thankful for all the gifts the God has given.
Open your eyes to see the great breadth of God's generosity!
God's mercy is as wide as the sea, as deep as the ocean,
During this time of worship,
may our hearts be opened:
to see the breadth of God's generosity,
to accept God's generosity without envy,
to celebrate with those who are given what they need rather than what they have earned.

And may we leave this place,
ready to tell the good news of a merciful generous God who is alive and active in the world.
We pray in the name of the one who taught us about God's mercy and grace, and who taught his friends to pray by saying...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

For September 11, 2011 -- Proper 19A, 13th After Pentecost

God of life, as a new season begins, we come with hopes and wonders,
in our time of worship open our eyes to see the world as You see it, open our hearts that Your love may flow through them, open our ears to hear you calling us forward.
And when our worship is ended,
may we go out as people who have been fed in body and spirit, ready to live and serve. Amen

When we feel hurt, or threatened, or attacked;
we instinctively want to strike out, to re-pay pain with pain.
When we reach a moment of victory in the struggles of life,
we instinctively want to celebrate, to sing and dance, even if it means rejoicing in the suffering of others.
But, God of Forgiveness, you call us to a different Way.
You call us to offer forgiveness instead of vengeance, to seek justice for all, to forgive not once, but 77 times. And we know that we find this difficult. We know that sometimes this is beyond us.
...time of silent prayer...
God, who calls us to forgive, sets out the model of forgiving. Not once, not even 77 times, but over and over, forever and ever, God sets aside our actions, not holding our faults against us. We are a forgiven people!
Thanks be to God. Amen.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

For July 31, 2011 Proper 13A 7th After Pentecost

In the midst of our summer we hear a call:
everyone who thirsts, come to the waters... Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price... Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live
God, we have come together seeking food and water for our souls,
in this time together refresh and nurture us. Remind us of our calling to feed the hungers that surround us, to be good stewards of the gifts you have given us. And then prepare us to go out to live and serve as best we can with the resources we have.
We pray in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, who taught his friends to pray saying...

The needs of the world press in around us.
And like the disciples we are moved to send people off to fend for themselves
Jesus says: “Give them something to eat”
And we are surprised, wondering how we could ever do that for so many.
Jesus asks: “What do you have?”
And we look at our lists, sure that it isn't going to be enough.
God, when we are struggling to know how to respond to the hungers of the our world,
open our eyes to what is possible, help us know that what we have will be enough.
And when we are frozen or overwhelmed by the enormity of the task,
warm our hearts, thaw our souls, melt away our fears.
...time of silent prayer...
God, who calls us to respond to others needs, gives us tools and resources to use in that task. Through God's grace we are able to respond to the best of our ability.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

As worship closes we return to the mission field,
a field where many hunger for many things.
As we go out into the world the words of Jesus go with us:
“Give them something to eat. What do you have?”
And so we go, committed to do what we can.
Being good stewards of the gifts God has given us, being agents of love and justice in a world that sorely needs both.
As you go to live and serve, remember that you do not go alone.
We are not alone. We live in God's World. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Monday, July 4, 2011

For July 10 -- Proper 10A, 4th After Pentecost

A sower went out to sow...
are we the soil, waiting to catch the seed?
A sower went out to sow...
are we the seed, bursting with potential?
A sower went out to sow...
are we the sowers, called to spread God's gifts?
God of soil, of seed, of sowers, in this time of singing, praying, and listening
open our hearts and minds to the possibilities in our stories, in our experiences, in our lives.
Help us to find our place in the stories of life.
And then to live our part with our whole being.
We pray in the name of the Storyteller, Jesus of Nazareth, who taught his friends to pray saying...

A sower went out to sow...
and we are the soil, ready to provide whatever nourishment we can to enable the seed to grow.
A sower went out to sow...
and we are the seed, sent out to places both likely and unlikely to bear fruit as best we can
A sower went out to sow...
and we are the sower, given a bagful of Good News, called to spread it prodigiously wherever it may fall.
A sower went out to sow...
and wherever we find ourselves in the story we go out to help God's Word of life grow and spread, so that the harvest of Love will be plentiful. Amen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

For June 26, 2011 -- Proper 8A

Come join the circle, for Jesus is calling,
We join in this gathered community of worship to pray and sing and listen for God's voice.
This is a place where God can be met, a place where God's love can be experienced.
This is a place where all are welcomed openly and freely, a place where everyone can become a part of the circle.
As God has welcomed us,
so may we welcome others.
Welcoming and challenging God,
once again You have brought us together in this place.
As we sing and pray and listen this morning,
refresh us, open our hearts, minds and souls to Your Word of Life, empower and prepare us to go back out to the world where we live and serve.
We pray in the name of the One whose name we bear, Jesus the Christ, who taught his friends to pray by saying...

Gracious God, the circle of your love and community is wider than we can imagine,
for those times we want to draw it closer, forgive us.
The circle of your love and community is always open,
for those time we accidentally close it, not letting others in, forgive us.
You call us to welcome all Your children,
and yet sometimes, both intentionally and unintentionally, we act in ways that make that welcome hard to find.
For those times when our hospitality is lacking, when we fail to share the Love and Life you have given us,
forgive us we pray.
...time of silent prayer...
God calls us to a New Life. God calls us to a New Way. When we stray from the path, God calls us back, not with judgement but with forgiveness. We are a forgiven people.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lighting the Christ Candle Responses for Pentecost and the Season After

We light this candle as a sign of God's Spirit at work in the world,
may its light brighten our spirits, may the light of God shining through us brighten the world.

Monday, May 23, 2011

For June 5, 2011 -- A service focussing on Scripture in light of the KJV turning 400

This is the day which the Lord hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.              (Psalm 118:24, KJV)
O magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together           (Psalm 34:3, KJV)
O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.                    (Psalm 95:1-2, KJV)
God, you are made known to us in many ways,
in stories and songs, in words and letters, in family and friends.
As we gather here this morning,
open our hearts and souls and minds to your presence. Help us to experience the many ways we come to know your love, your hope, your path.
We pray in the name of the One we meet in Scripture and in our lives, the Risen Christ, who taught his friends to pray by saying together...

PRAYER OF CONFESSION              (Based on Psalm 51)
God we join with the Psalmist and cry out:
Have mercy on me for I have done what is evil in your sight.
Gracious God, you desire that we live in the path of truth and life,
so teach us wisdom in our heart.
For those times we have strayed from your Way,
Forgive us and change us.
Cast us not out of your presence do not take your Spirit from us.
Create in us a clean heart O God, and put a new and right Spirit in us
God is Gracious. God is Love. God is Forgiving. God gives us a new start, washes away our guilt, and sets us free to live again. We are a liberated and forgiven people!
Thanks be to God! Amen.

For May 29, 2011 -- 6th of Easter

Now our worship ends, and so we go back out into the world,
A Cosmopolitan world where we meet many different faiths and philosophies.
We go to share the God we know, the Love we have been offered, the Hope we have for the future.
We go knowing that God, in whom we live and move and have our being, goes with us wherever life takes us.
Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

For May 22, 2011 -- 5th of Easter

We come to one of the many crossroads of life and ask:
Which way do we go? Where do we turn?
In a world with many voices claiming to have the Truth we ask:
How do we know? Is there one real Truth?
In a world where abundant life is denied to many we ask:
What is life in abundance? How do we find and share it?
We bring all our questions to this place.
Here we trust that we will find answers.
God has called us here to explore life, to challenge truth, to find the way,
God open our hearts and minds and eyes as we pray together...

Our time of worship draws to a close
our time of service continues.
We go from this place out into the world,
we go as people committed to following the Way of Christ, to sharing the Truth of God's bountiful love, to seeking the abundant Life of the Spirit.
Go with God, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer
Always and everywhere, God is with us. Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For May 15, 2011 -- 4th Sunday Of Easter

Listen! Do you hear the Voice?
A Voice that is familiar. A Voice calling us out. A Voice that we trust.
We hear the Voice. We know the Voice. And so we come.
Trusting that we will be led to green pastures and clear waters. Trusting that the Voice will stay with us to comfort and protect.
Shepherding God, always beside us,
lead us in paths of righteousness. Guide us on the daily journeys of life.
And way the way grows dark,
protect us with your rod and staff, help us find the path back into the light.
In our time of worship this morning,
remind us that we can trust in the Good Shepherd who leads us. Remind us also that we who have been led by the shepherd are also called to lead others.
May this time of song and prayer and reflection,
empower and embolden us as we go out to feed and tend those of your flock who share our lives. Amen.

The Risen Christ asks us: Do you love me?
And calls us to feed his lambs, to feed his sheep.
As people who have been fed, who follow the Good Shepherd,
we go into the world where we live and serve, a world where so many need feeding, comforting, who need to know they are loved.
We go to share the love of the Shepherd, to help people find the path through valleys of darkness, to work together to find green pastures and clear water.
As we go out to serve the Shepherd may we always remember that we are not alone, that the Shepherd never abandons the flock.
Thanks be to God!

Monday, May 2, 2011

For May 8, 2011 -- 3rd Of Easter

We have gathered as a family of faith.
In our gathering the Good News of faith was shared.
And now we go back out to the world where we live and serve
We go out to share God's Good News with the sisters and brothers we meet on life's path
As part of God's larger family,
we go out singing praises to God our Mother, our Redeemer, our Sustainer.
And may our hearts burn with God's love as we journey together.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Candle lighting responses for Easter

In this Easter Season of new life and new hope,
may the light of this candle remind us that light and life have the victory over death and darkness.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Prayers at the Foot of the Cross (for Good Friday)

God of life, today we pause to remember the power of death.
Today we tell the story of what happens when someone angers those in power.
Today we tell a story of betrayal by a friend, trial by empire, execution as a way of silencing the one who names injustice.
Today we tell a story that happened long ago in a land far away.
Today we tell a story that continues to happen today in places close at hand.

As we remember the story today help us to see its truth.
As we tell of Jesus' trial and execution remind us of those who are found legally guilty for doing and saying the right things.
As we tell of the friends who are conspicuously absent from the cross remind us how easily we slip away when the struggle for justice becomes dangerous or challenging.
As we look at the cross remind us of the power of empire in any age, and remind us of our duty as people of faith to proclaim a different empire, a different kingdom, a new way of living together.

God of life, today we pause to remember the power of those in charge to run the world.
Today we remember the many people near and far who are broken by that power:
those who live in places where peace is just a word, not a reality, not even a dream
those who are pushed to the margins because of their race, their gender, their bank balance, their marital status, their orientation, or any of the countless other ways we find to set people apart
those who live with nothing so that others may live with abundance
those who choose to challenge the injustices in their world and are crushed beneath the feet of those in charge
...time of silent prayer...
But even as we remember that power we remember that day follows night, hope replaces despair, and life will conquer death.
And now, as we prepare to leave this gathering, may we do so ready to challenge the empires of our world, even if such a challenge leads us to a cross outside the city gates.
We pray in the name of the one who showed us the depth of his passion for Your Kingdom, who taught us to live in love and justice, in whose life, death and resurrection we can find the path to Kingdom living, and who taught his friends to pray by saying:
Our Father, who art in heaven...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Maundy Thursday Service

Lighting of a Flame:
God is the light in our darkness. As we gather for this meal we light a flame to remind us of God's presence, to remind us that God is part of our circle and part of our worship.
May the flickering light of this flame sustain us as the story of our faith grows darker.

Opening Prayer
God of life, you have called us to gather in this place,
open our hearts to your love in this time together. Open our eyes to see the world around us as you see it. Open our souls that we would be willing to embrace the path of servant-hood. We pray in the name of Jesus, who is our Servant Lord. Amen.

Hymn VU593 Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with your Love

Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31b-35

Washing Each Other's Hands

A Meal Prayer
As we prepare to share this meal, help us remember the blessings we have been given.
Day by day we are fed in body, in mind and in spirit. May the food we share strengthen our bodies. May the friendship we share strengthen our hearts. May the story we share enable us to be people of love. Amen.

We Eat Together

Scripture Exodus 12:1-14
Pesach & Passover (Reflection)

Our Meal Continues

Scripture 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
A Special Meal (Reflection)

Bread and Cup are Shared

We Finish Our Meal
We have come together, we have broken bread together
sharing a meal of memory and fellowship.
And now the meal has ended and we go back to the rest of our lives,
we go as people who have been called to be servants to the world.
We go to share the love of God with all we meet,
we go trusting that the Light of God will shine even when the world grows darker.
Go with God, who feeds us in body and soul, who frees us from bondage, who walks with us as we live and serve. Amen.

Hymn: VU278 In the Quiet Curve of Evening

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Easter Intro

This is how we will open our Easter Service, it leads into the joyful proclamations: (in the service it will be accompanied with PowerPoint slides)

This Week In Jerusalem

GOOOOOOOOD Morning Jerusalem!, and welcome to KJER in the morning. If it's happening in Jerusalem we'll tell you about it.

IT has been a busy and exciting week here in Jerusalem. OF course the Passover festival always brings large crowds and a great deal of excitement but this has been even more pronounced this week.

The week began 7 days ago with a strange parade into town [next slide] seen here in an artist's reconstruction. An itinerant preacher and miracle worker from Nazareth came riding into town on a donkey while his supporters threw clothing on the road and waved branches. Upon reaching the city this Jesus went to the temple where he overturned the tables of the money changers, drove animals out of the temple precinct and generally caused a great ruckus. Sources say that this was the last straw for Temple leaders, who were already worried about the excitement caused by this man.

The next story about him came 4 days ago. [next slide] Jesus and his friends held a Passover meal together – as did we all – but unconfirmed reports claim that at this meal Jesus invited his friends into some sort of ritual cannibalism, claiming that the bread and wine was his body and blood. I repeat, this is an unconfirmed report, we are not accusing anyone of such a horrible thing.

Later that night Temple authorities, aided by one of Jesus' friends, were able to have him arrested. Following a quick trial they were able to convince Pilate to have him executed. [next slide] Accordingly, he was taken to the execution place and crucified. [next slide] Following his death his body was laid in a tomb which was then placed under guard because of fears the body would be stolen so his followers could claim he had risen from the dead.

Elsewhere in the city...[next slide] oh wait, I am told we have a breaking story. This must be a joke. NO? A mistake then. Just read the story you say? Alright then.

Early this morning Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. [next slide] And suddenly there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. For fear of him the guards shook and became like dead men. But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.’ This is my message for you.” So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. [next slide] Suddenly Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

On that note it is time for a break. KJER will be back with more on this amazing story later today...

Monday, April 11, 2011

For April 17, 2011 -- Palm Sunday

As we gather along the roadside we feel the excitement filling the air.
Something is happening! We want to join in!
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Look! Your king comes to you;
triumphant and victorious is he – humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey!
God, we join in the crowds, the jubilation, and the adoration.
The excitement is contagious, we have high hopes for what may come.
In the time of worship;
feed us in mind and body. Remind us where our loyalty truly lies.
And send us back out to proclaim the coming of the king, in whose name we pray.

God, on this day of great joy and excitement,
it is easy to get caught up in the hopes and the shouting.
But there is something else lurking around the corner,
a shadow of doubt and testing. A shadow of death and devastation.
Even as we join in the joy,
we admit that we may also join in the voices of another crowd, shouting NO in the face of your offer of a new world.
For the times we choose the easy parade over the hard road of change. For the days we choose to remain in the shadows...
forgive and strengthen us. Set us free from fear so that we can proclaim openly the coming of your Reign.
...time of silent prayer...
As we wave the branches we proclaim that the Reign of God is here and now! As citizens of God's Kingdom we are forgiven in our doubts and our mis-steps. We are set free of the past to move toward a hope-filled future.
Hosanna! The King is here! Praise and thanks to God! Amen

We have sung, we have eaten, we have celebrated.
Now we go out to live as citizens of God's kingdom
As we walk forward we see a shadow looming on the horizon
but beyond the shadow we see the brightness of a new day
And so we go out bravely, willing to face the tests that will come.
Ready to proclaim the coming of the one who comes in God's name. Ready to share the Good News of hope in a world too often given to despair.
And we go knowing that the God of Life, of Light, of Love is with us from celebration to cross to celebration.
Hosanna! Amen.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

For April 10, 2011 -- 5th Sunday of Lent.

In a world where death seems to have the power,
we come seeking life.
As people of faith,
we proclaim that life wins.
We have been called together by God,
who calls life from the tombs of our world, who unbinds us from our chains, who is the God of the living.
In this time of worship,
may the tombs of life be opened, may our hearts be unbound, may we be reminded that in the end life will always win!
We pray in the name of Jesus, who came to bring abundant life, and who taught his friends to pray by saying together...

God of life, you promise us that life is always going to be the winner.
But we look around us and are moved to doubt the promise. The powers of death seem so strong.
You call us to come out of the dark tombs of the world and be set free.
And we have to admit that sometimes the comfort of the familiar overpowers our wish for abundant life.
You see a valley of dry bones and see possibilities.
And we see desolation and ask “Can these bones live?”
For all the times we lose hope, for all the times we doubt the promise, for all the times we prefer the comfort of the tomb to the unknown of new life,
Forgive and strengthen us, unbind us and call us to live again.
...time of silent prayer...
Christ says: I am the Resurrection and the Life. Those who believe in me will live”. Living in Christ we are strengthened, freed and forgiven. We are called to new life, new hope, and new possibilities.
Thanks be to the God of life! Amen.

Jesus calls us out of our tombs, unbinds us, and sends us out.
We go to share the good news of a life that will always win!
Even when the way grows dark and danger lurks around the corner,
we share faith that light is beyond dark, that hope replaces despair.
Go out trusting in the God who gives life, who calls us to live, who is with us every step of life's journey!
Always and all ways! Amen!

Monday, March 21, 2011

For March 27, 2011 -- 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year A

God of Living Water, you call us to come and drink.
And we have heard you.
All who are thirsty, come to the fountain.
We come to dip our souls in the stream of life, to drink deeply and satisfy our thirst.
God of Living Water, the spring that never fails,
may this time of worship refresh and revive us. May it energize us. May the drink we take today fill us so that we overflow with love, ready to share what we have found with all we meet.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who we know as the Living Water, and who taught his friends to pray by saying...

God of Living Water, you call us to come and drink.
So why do we sit here and complain that there is not enough water?
You call us to strike the rocks of our world and let your Living Water flow.
But we do not trust enough that the spring is there. We want to find the water on our own, using our own wisdom.
You call us to share the Water of Life with the world around us.
But we believe that the water is limited, not abundant and so we are tempted to save it for ourselves.
For all the times we turn away from your Water, for all the times we sully the Water by misusing it, for all the times we let others go thirsty instead of offering a drink,
Forgive us we pray.
...time of silent prayer...
The Water of Life flows with abundance to fill us with hope, to cleanse us of our guilt, to float us to a new life. Washed in the Living Water, we are forgiven and set free to live abundant life.
Thanks and praise to God. Amen.

God of Living Water, you called us to come and drink.
And we came. We drank. We were washed.
And now we prepare to return to the world.
Carrying with us the knowledge that the Spring of Life is always available to us.
May we be bearers of life-giving Water to all we meet.
Helping them to find ways to slake their thirsty souls, helping them to drink deeply.
Go with God. Float on the Stream of Life.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For March 20, 2011 -- 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year A

Like Nicodemus, we come, sliding away from the world we know,
seeking to learn more about this man who comes from God.
He tells us the we need to be born from above, born anew,
and like Nicodemus we are unsure what this means.
As we pause now to pray, to sing, to listen,
may the God made known in Jesus speak to us. May our eyes and hearts be opened to see the possibilities of being reborn. May we allow the wind of the Spirit to blow through our lives.
And as our worship time closes,
may God send us back out into the world as a people of hope, of love, of life. May God send us out ready to testify to the glories God has done. So be it. Amen.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who taught his friends to pray by saying together...

The wind of the Spirit blows us where it will,
leaving us to trim the sails and enjoy the ride.
The wind of the Spirit blows us back out into the world,
the world where we, who have experienced new life, share the promise and hope of re-birth.
God loves the world so much that God wants the world to be saved.
We go out to share God's love with God's World.
And God goes with us. Always.
Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For March 13, 2011 -- First Sunday of Lent Year A

God, you lay before us a road to travel in life,
but so often we are tempted to turn away from the Way.
You call us to be a people set apart, with a different vision for the world,
but the world around us tempts us to share its vision.
You challenge us to listen for your voice, to see with your eyes, to love as you love,
but sometimes these things are hard, and we are tempted to follow the easy path.
For all the times we have been swayed by the world, for all the times we have wandered from the path of wisdom,
forgive us, strengthen us, and bring us back to the life you would have us live.
...time of silent prayer...
God calls us to live in this world, temptations and choices and all. God calls us to follow God's path but God also knows that we will wander at times. And so, before we even know we need it, God offers forgiveness and grace. We are a forgiven people.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Our time of worship comes to a close,
Our time of service continues.
Now we go out to be the people God has called us to be
people of love, people of justice, people of hope
Despite the many diversions along the road,
we will strive to avoid the temptations we find along the way.
Go now, be strong and courageous, know that God walks with you always
Thanks be to God, our strength and our guide. Amen.

Christ Candle Responses for Lent

We light this Candle to light our way as we journey to Jerusalem, the cross, and the tomb.
May it's light strengthen us where the road is hard, embolden us when our hearts lose courage, and and bring hope as the road grows dark.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

For February 20, 2011 -- 7th Sunday After Epiphany Year A

We hear God calling us:
Uyai Mose, tinamate mwari, Uyai mose zvino
come all you people, come and praise your maker, come now and worship the Lord.
God calls us together as a people set apart
a people striving to live the law of love,
God calls us to go out as a people committed to justice
a people seeking to resist injustice without trading violence for violence.
We have come together as God's people,
we come to listen for God's voice in our busy world.
In this time of worship
may God embolden us to act lovingly towards our friends and enemies alike.
In this time of worship,
may God awaken in us a desire to take action against the injustice in the world.
After this time of worship,
may we leave this place ready to make a difference in the world.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who taught his friends to pray together...

We are a people of love
we go to share the love of God with all we meet.
We are a people of justice,
we go to name and resist the injustices in our world.
We are a people of hope,
and so even when we are challenged do things that make no sense we trust in God's wisdom.
We are a people of peace,
and so we seek God's Shalom for friends and enemies, next-door and around the world.
We are the people of God, sizohamba naye
we will go with God.

Monday, January 31, 2011

For February 6, 2011 -- 5th Sunday After Epiphany Year A

God, in this time of worship,
open our hearts, minds, and souls to your presence.
God, in this time of worship,
give us a sense of what it means to be salt and light, remind us of our call to enhance the world around us.
God, at the end of this time of worship,
send us back out to the world, ready to let Your light shine through us.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who calls us salt and light,and who taught his friends to pray saying...

God, you call us to a life that is rich and flavourful,
so why does it sometimes seem so bland and humdrum?
God, you call us to enrich the lives of those who are around us,
so why do we sometimes withdraw into our own silos, caring for our own interests above all others?
God, you tell us that we are lights, meant to shine brightly,
so why do we sometimes feel like we are always in the dark?
God, you call us to share our light with the world,
so why are we sometimes afraid that there is not enough light, that we might go dim if we shine too brightly?
God, for all those times when we have chosen not to season the world, for the times when we have kept our light hidden,
forgive us we pray.
...time of silent prayer...
God is the salt in our lives, the light in our darkness. When we start to run out, God graciously fills up our shaker and refills our lamp. We are a forgiven and rejuvenated people!
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Jesus said that we should be Just Like Salt
enhancing the lives of those around us.
Jesus called us Light of the World
shining brightly into dark places
Go now to be Salt and Light

Sunday, January 30, 2011

For February 13, 2011 -- 6th Sunday After Epiphany Year A

When the alarm went off this morning you had a choice.
Roll over and go back to sleep or get up and get ready.
And you chose to come here.
Indeed we did. We chose to gather together to worship.
Who has gathered us here today? Paul, your family, your teachers from years past?
No. God has gathered us here. God has called us to be God's people.
And so, Gracious God, we offer words of thanks.
Thanks for this place and this people, thanks for all those who have prepared the way, thanks for those who feed and water, thanks to you for the growth that ensues.
During this time of singing and praying and listening,
may we be fed and watered. May we continue to grow in Your way. Amen.

God, daily you set before us a choice.
On one side is the path that leads to abundant life and love for all, on the other the path that leads to abundance for some with the price paid by others.
AS we deal with the choices of life,
we are tempted by the easy road, tempted to trade the long-term blessing for a quick reward.
And so God forgive us,
forgive us where we have chosen rashly or badly, forgive our quarelling and jealousy and lead us in the path of blessing and growth.
...time of silent prayer...
It is one of the mysteries of faith that whether we feel worthy or not we are forgiven. When we realize that we chose unwisely we are given a chance to choose again. Through Grace God forgives all of God's beloved children. We are a forgiven people!
Thanks be to God! Amen

We have gathered together for worship,
we have listened for God's voice, we have been fed, we have been refreshed.
And now it is time to go out from this place.
As we leave these doors we enter the mission field of life.
In that mission field may we all be ones who seed and water so that God can provide growth
May we share the good news that God offers us blessing and life and those in abundance.
God in the love and care of God. Amen

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

For January 30, 2011 -- 4th Sunday After Epiphany Year A

God of grace, source of wisdom,
we admit that we often find your wisdom to be foolishness.
God of foolishness, who calls us to be fools,
we admit that we are swayed by the wisdom of the world around us.
God of strength made evident in weakness,
help us to embrace foolishness and weakness. Help us find the path to wisdom and strength.
God of life, who calls us to be people of abundant life,
forgive us when we choose foolishly, strengthen us when we feel weak.
...time of silent prayer...
God is gracious, foolishly wise, strong in weakness. In God's wisdom forgiveness and grace are given freely and prodigiously. We are a forgiven and strengthened people!
Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Responses for Ligthing of the Christ Candle

We light this Candle to remind us of the light in our world, and to remind us of our call to carry the light wherever we go.
Thanks be to God: our Light, our Hope, and our Strength.

Monday, January 3, 2011

For January 9, 2011 -- First Sunday After Epiphany, Baptism of Jesus Sunday

In the wilderness of life we hear it
A voice crying out, calling us to a new way.
Intrigued, wondering, we come to hear more.
Seeking to hear Good News, seeking to know more about living in God's Way
And so here we are,
here we are, ready and open to the words the Voice has for us today
God, whose Voice gathers us together,
in this time of singing and praying and listening,
open us to hear words that are both easy and hard,
remind us that we are Beloved children,
and send us out to live and serve. We pray in the name and memory of Jesus, who taught his friends to pray saying...

Gracious God, over and over you call us to repentance.
You challenge us to examine our lives openly and honestly. You challenge us to name where we have strayed from the path of wisdom and to acknowledge where we have fallen short of what we could be.
Such a thing is hard to do. Such honesty scares us.
But still you call through the wildernesses of the world, calling us to turn to your Way.
For all the times we stray from the path, for all the times we choose unwisely,
forgive us, we pray.
...time of silence...
God is gracious, God is merciful, God is loving. And God stands with open arms when we turn back to be followers of The Way. We are a forgiven people!
Thanks be to God! Amen.