Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Resources for June 12, 2022 -- Trinity Sunday

The Ageless One has called us here.
Responding to their call, we gather in the name of She Who Is Holy
We come to worship together, to listen for the voice of Wisdom of Ages
We open our hearts and souls as we sing and pray and reflect together.

Parent, Partner, and Friend; we open ourselves to your presence.
Wellspring of Life, as we worship here this morning,
help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be your people,
expand our imagination so that we can see you both in old and new ways,
give us the grace to allow each other to explore who you are for us.

We pray these things in the name of Jesus, Son of Woman, The Anointed One and we remember words he once taught his closest friends....

Generous One, you are revealed in so many ways.
And you challenge us to be imaginative, to be open to new ways of understanding who and how you are.

Fount of Wisdom, too often we find our imaginations limited by traditions, by “the way it has always been”,
with the result that we limit the language that can be used to describe you,
with the result that our experience of you is less than it might have been.

She Who is Faithful, open our hearts and minds and souls to the broad expansiveness of who you are.
Help us see you in new ways, help us see your presence in all our neighbours, regardless of age or gender identity, or sexuality, or skin colour, help us move beyond the limits we may have been taught in the past.
The God Who Redeems is constantly at work in the world and in our lives. She continues to reveal themself in new ways. He continues to expand our understanding of how the world could be. This is an act of grace, this is an act of growth, this is a way of bringing new life to the world.
Thanks and praise be to the Author of Life. Hallelujah! Amen.

The Ancient of Days brought us together this morning
We have prayed, we have sung, we have been invited to share our Images of God.
Now our time of worship draws to a close.
Now She Who Is Faithful leads us back out into the world.
Go out to share the Good News that the Ever-Living God is at work in the world.
We go to share the promise of resurrection, of rebirth, of renewal given in the life and ministry of Jesus, Redeemer and Saviour, Teacher and Friend.
Go secure in the Knowledge that the Three-in-One: Father, Son and Spirit; Life, Liberation and Love; Creator, Christ, and Compassion; is with you.
Always and All ways. Hallelujah!

*the names for God in today’s liturgy have been taken from A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church by Wilda Gafney