Thursday, January 16, 2025

For January 26 2025, working with 1 Corinthians 13 (reading for Epiphany 4C)

Beloved Children of God, why are you here?
We are here to listen for God’s voice, reminding us that we are loved.
Beloved Children of God, why have you come?
We responded to God’s invitation to come together to grow in faith, hope and love.
Beloved Children of God, let us sing and pray and listen, let us celebrate God’s presence in our midst
We open ourselves to let God fill our hearts and souls as we worship together.

God of love, as we gather together this morning,
move in our hearts and minds, renew us, remind us of the love that fills the world.
Gift-giving God, in our time together this morning,
help us see the abiding gifts of faith hope and love in the world around us.
And when we move out of our gathering this morning,
empower us to carry the greatest gift, love, to everyone we meet.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who reminds us of the power of love, and encourages us to pray saying...

Gift-giver, you call us to seek for the greater gifts in life.
Things like faith, hope, and love.
In grace you offer us these gifts in abundance, and ask that we use them for the common good.
Help us avoid the temptation to use the gifts you give only to build ourselves up.
As we continue to seek the greatest gift,
help us show that we are people shaped and guided by love,
help us put aside childish ways as we mature in faith and love.
Gracious, loving God, we thank you for the gifts you give.
Help us use them for the benefit of the world you love. Amen.

Beloved Children of God, as you go out from this place:
Commit yourselves to be people of love,
be patient and kind, not arrogant or rude,
rejoice in the truth, hope in all things.
We go to be people of love,
we go to carrying faith hope and love, things that abide,
we go to share the greatest gift with the world.
Beloved Children of God, as you go out from this place:
Trust that God who loves the world deeply,
Christ, Love Incarnate,
and the Holy Spirit, who pushes us to act lovingly,
is with you each and every day.
Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Amen

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Call To Worship For Baptism of Jesus Sunday

In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the primordial waters
as God spoke Creation into being
At the Jordan, as Jesus emerged from the water, the Spirit descended as a dove
as God affirmed Jesus as Beloved, as one we should listen to.
Here, in this place, God’s Spirit invites us to gather,
that we would be renewed, filled with the Holy Spirit, as God reminds us who and whose we are.
Let us sing and pray together as God moves within this community.