Monday, October 28, 2019

For November 3, 2019 -- Proper 26C

May the Peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
What has brought us here today
We come in search of the One they call Messiah
Jesus is here, waiting to eat with us, wanting to be both host and guest in our lives
We gather with Jesus at the table, we open our hearts to his love and wisdom.
As we gather for worship we greet our neighbour with words and signs of Christ’s peace...

Opening PRAYER
God, like Zacchaeus we want to meet Jesus
and so we come together in worship.
God, here we open ourselves to be transformed by meeting Jesus,
and then live our lives as changed people with new priorities.
God as we worship, move in our hearts,
sending us back out as people of hope and faith, committed to live as citizens of the Kingdom.

Zacchaeus climbed a tree so he could see...and so he was seen.
With the result that he was changed.
We have come to see Jesus, we have been seen by the God active in Jesus
As we go out may we also be ready to be changed by seeing and by being seen.
The God who invited us to the table, the Christ who proclaims the Kingdom, the Spirit who sustains us along the way,
is with us as we live and serve and grow and love. Amen.

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