Sunday, January 31, 2021

To go With John 1:35-51 on February 7, 2021

May the Peace of Christ be with you!
And also with you!
Come and see! Come and hear!
See who? Hear what?
The Lamb of God is walking by! Jesus from Nazareth!
Let’s go see him together!

Opening PRAYER
God you see us under the fig tree, or brewing coffee in the kitchen, or relaxing on the couch,
and you recognize us for who we are.
We wonder what you are up to, where you might be found,
and you invite us to come and see.
In this time of worship,
move in our hearts and souls,
give us the curiosity a
nd the courage to come and see,
and then to share what we have seen and heard.

We pray in Jesus’ name Amen

Come and see!
God you invite us to explore what you are doing in the world.
Come and see?
But we are sometimes comfortable where we are and maybe a little dubious that there is much to see anyway.
Come and see?
Where we are reluctant to see and hear, where we are reluctant to share what we have seen and heard, strengthen our curiosity, embolden our words, we pray
Come and see! God is at work in the world. God is sharing the news of God’s grace and mercy. God is being revealed in our midst.
We come to see, to hear, to be reminded of God’s presence in our lives.
We are not alone. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Go and share!
Share the Good News about what God is doing in the world.
Share the exciting news the God is afoot, that the world is being changed
Share the promise that God sees us where we are and welcomes us into the circle.
We have come to see, now we go to share the love of God with the world around us.
And you are not alone. The Three-in-One: Parent, Child and Holy Spirit is with you always.
Thanks be to God!




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