Monday, February 28, 2022

FOr MArch 6, 2022 -- 1st of Lent

The One who has Created and is Creating invites us here.
As followers of the Word-Made-Flesh we gather for worship.
The One who works in us and others by the Spirit,
moves in and around us as we gather to eat, to pray, to sing, and to listen together.
As a community gathered in both physical and virtual space,
let us worship together

OK God, the world is a bit of a mess right now,
so we need to hear a word of hope, we need to be reminded who we were created to be.
In this time together, as we break bread together, as we share our prayers, as we sing our faith,
speak to our hearts, embolden us, remind us of what is possible.
We gather of followers of Jesus the Christ, we pray in his name.

Creator of all that is, you shaped us for paradise.
You meant for us to live as partners with all that has been created.
And yet, we have often wandered from the primeval garden.
Our focus has been drawn to things that lead to hurtful words, hurtful actions, hurtful thoughts.
You call us to put aside those things that are hurtful to ourselves, to each other,
help us, we pray, to do that, transform us, lead us back to the garden.
...time of silent prayer...
The Sovereign God who created, and who is constantly re-creating, acts in power and in mercy and in grace. In Christ we are given new life, a new self, a new beginning. We are forgiven. We can be transformed. We can live in partnership with all that God has created.
Thanks be to the Creating One. Amen

Our time of worship draws to a close.
Our time of service continues.
Go from this time of eating and singing and praying to carry the love of Christ into the world.
We go to proclaim the Good News with our words and through our deeds
As you live and serve, remember that God who created and re-creates you, who is made known in the man Jesus of Nazareth, the Risen Christ, who is active in the world as the Holy Spirit is with you.
Wherever we go, we are not alone. Thanks be to God.


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