Monday, October 20, 2008

For October 26, 2008 -- Proper 25, 24th After Pentecost

God calls to our hearts,
the source of our feelings, the core of our being.
God calls to our souls,
the home of our spirit, the place where we sense that there is more than we can see.
God calls to our minds,
the place of reason, of intellect, where we think through the challenges of life.
God calls to our strength,
our ability to make things happen, to work and to serve.
God calls to our whole being,
calling us to be people of faith, hope, and love. Let us worship the God who calls us together…

God, you call us to be people of love. You call us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. During this time of worship fill our hearts with Your love. As we sing and pray and listen may we hear You voice reminding us we can and do live out your amazing love in our lives. We pray in the name of the one who came to teach us about the power of love and who taught his friends to pray together saying…

What must we do to live in God’s way?
Love God, love neighbour, love ourselves.
As people of faith we go out to make that love an action, not a feeling.
We go out to bring the love of God to a hurting world.
As you go, know that the threefold God: Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer is with you always.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your focus on worship
    There is a badge to encourage the importance of worship that you might like to place on your site:
    Let us also pray for each other and this online mission and ministry.
