Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Prayer for Grace for November 11, 2018

God, all too often our broken-ness breaks into the world, shattering your hopes.
As a result the world still fails to be that place where the wolf lies down with the lamb.
We still hurt and destroy on your holy mountain..
On this day of memory, we once again vow “Never Again”,
knowing that tomorrow there will still be plowshares turned into swords,
knowing that there will still be conflicts,
knowing that we still need to learn a new way.
For the ways we, as individuals, as communities, as nations have failed to be peacemakers,
forgive us God. In grace, make us gracious, able to work for hope and peace.
...time of silent prayer...
Jesus comes to us as the Prince of Peace. Jesus proclaims that the Kingdom of God is nigh. In Christ God reminds us of the power of love and forgiveness. We are forgiven and called to keep working for the Peaceable Kingdom.
The time is coming when we will learn war no more. Thanks be to God who gives us this promise. Amen.

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